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jquery parseHTML not working as expected

I'm getting json data back from a jsonp call. The data is coming back alright. One data element is in the form of a string with some html in it ("p" tag, "a" tag). I'm trying to output this element (a picture description) within a jQuery dialog box. For some reason I can't get it to render as html, whether I use $.parseHTML or not.

Code snippet:

var image       = data.image;
var title       = data.title;
var id          = data.id;
var description = $.parseHTML( data.description );
var media       = data.media;
var secret      = data.secret;
if(media == "photo"){
    var string  = "<div id=\"picturebox\" class=\"picturebox\">\n";
    string += "    <img src=\""+image + "\" id=\"photo_"+id+"\" />\n";
    string += "    <h2>" + title + "</h2>\n";
    string += "    <p>" + description + "</p>\n";
    string += "</div>\n";

Although the dynamically produced div correctly displays, including the image and title, the "description" line outputs like this: [object Text]

If I remove the $.parseHTML the output looks like this:

Bird of paradise growing in south Florida.<p><a href="http://www.popgnology.com/guestbook.php">ACME Adventures</a></p>

That would be alright of course, if my html output did not show the actual html tags. What am I doing wrong?

UPDATE (2nd revision): My previous solution was incomplete. The problem was more complicated than a single jquery or javascript solution.

The problem began on the server side, with badly formed html that was sent via

header('content-type: application/json; charset=utf-8');
echo $cid . '('.json_encode($data).')';
  • On the server side (PHP), I had to condition my "description" item, like so (note the addition of htmlspecialchars_decode and an addslashes wrapper):

      if($k == "description"){ 
        $data["$k"] = addslashes(htmlspecialchars_decode($v));
        $data["$k"] = $v;
  • Then, this javascript properly rendered the json data item:

    var description   = data.description.replace('\\','');

With that two-step process of correcting the delivery format on the server page, and stripping slashes using a .replace on the client side, the "description" properly displays all text and html elements on the html page.

like image 664
TARKUS Avatar asked Jan 14 '23 12:01


2 Answers

My guess is that your data.description is escaped and the method parseHTML isn't going to handle that. Check out this post for a solution:

Javascript decoding html entities

var text = '&lt;p&gt;name&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;span style="font-size:xx-small;"&gt;ajde&lt;/span&gt;&lt;/p&gt;&lt;p&gt;&lt;em&gt;da&lt;/em&gt;&lt;/p&gt;';
var decoded = $('<div/>').html(text).text();

So in your case:

var decoded = $('<div/>').html(data.description).text();
like image 156
LouD Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 07:01


Try var description = $($.parseHTML(data.description)).html();

jQuery's parseHTML returns an array of DOM nodes. You could then insert them into the DOM, but in your case you should get their .html() and add it to your string.

like image 37
tom-19 Avatar answered Jan 21 '23 06:01
