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How to increase the row number column width in jqGrid

In my JQuery Grid, I have a parameter named rownumbers.

url : theURL,
datatype : "json",
sortable: false,
colNames:['Date & Time'],
colModel:[{name:'arrivalTime',index:'arrivalTime', sortable: false, align:'left', width:200, editable:true,editoptions:{size:30}}],
pager : '#dateInfojsonmap',
rownumbers: true,     
viewrecords: true

When I set the parameter rownumbers to true, I get the row numbers for each row in the grid table. How can I increase the width of the row number column? I tried to update the CSS style, but it hasn't worked.

Can anyone tell me how to increase the width of the row number column in the jqGrid?

like image 300
It's me Avatar asked Jan 13 '23 13:01

It's me

1 Answers

You can control the width of the show row numbers columns by settings the rownumWidth property (default is 25).

from http://www.trirand.com/blog/phpjqgrid/examples/appearance/rownumbers/default.php

like image 108
Mark Avatar answered Jan 17 '23 14:01
