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JPEG parameter struct mismatch





Ater compiling libjpeg and then using it, I stumbled upon the problem:

JPEG parameter struct mismatch: library thinks size is 512, caller expects 492

after which the program halts. This happens specifically with the structs struct jpeg_decompress_struct and struct jpeg_compress_struct. If the checks are removed on these structs, the program crashes with a null pointer exception, and the struct members contain garbage.

The error occurs with either precompiled binaries from version 6b, or with precompiled version 9a, and with the compiled version 9a; compiled with MinGW, MSYS 1.0, on windows (32 bit). Messing around in the config files does not help; the number 492 can change, but never equals 512 in order for the program to function.

The libjpeg compilation did create a valid cjpeg.exe and djpeg.exe.

Any ideas?

like image 633
user3F31A28 Avatar asked Apr 07 '14 23:04


1 Answers

In my case, the problem was that the library and my program were compiled with different values of HAVE_BOOLEAN, so boolean type had different size.

Library was compiled with HAVE_BOOLEAN not defined, so it was using int as defined in libjpeg. Program was compiled with HAVE_BOOLEAN defined, and because some other headers were included before libjpeg, it was using unsigned char as defined in Windows RTL.

Reason I used HAVE_BOOLEAN was to fix compile error about this, but it then caused a linker error. Instead, the proper solution was to not include Windows RTL (or any file that includes it) in the file that uses libjpeg.

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VLL Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 23:10