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When is it necessary to declare volatile VALUEs in Ruby C extensions?

I can't find much documentation on when it's appropriate to declare a VALUE as volatile in Ruby extensions to avoid premature garbage collection of in-use objects.

Here's what I've learned so far. Can anyone fill in the blanks?

When volatile does not need to be used:

  • in C++ object members (because they're never on the stack?)
  • in C/C++ methods that do not call Ruby API (because the GC isn't turned on until Ruby API is called)

When volatile does need to be used

  • in C/C++ methods that call any of the Ruby ALLOC or malloc macros/functions (because these can trigger GC when memory is highly fragmented)
  • in C/C++ methods that call any Ruby functions (e.g., rb_funcall, rb_ary_new, etc.)

Other methods for avoiding GC

  • mark VALUEs that are in use
  • disable the GC during object creation and then re-enable it
  • don't use Ruby's allocation methods (risky)

Is everything correct? What details am I missing? Other than marking, is volatile the only way?

like image 684
Translunar Avatar asked Oct 03 '13 21:10


People also ask

When should I use volatile in C?

Volatile is used in C programming when we need to go and read the value stored by the pointer at the address pointed by the pointer. If you need to change anything in your code that is out of compiler reach you can use this volatile keyword before the variable for which you want to change the value.

Why do we declare variable as volatile?

volatile is a keyword that must be used when declaring any variable that will reference a device register. If this is not done, the compile-time optimizer might optimize important accesses away. This is important; neglecting to use volatile can result in bugs that are difficult to track down.

What is volatile variable in C where it is used?

The volatile qualifier is applied to a variable when we declare it. It is used to tell the compiler, that the value may change at any time. These are some properties of volatile. The volatile keyword cannot remove the memory assignment. It cannot cache the variables in register.

What is the use of volatile qualifier?

The volatile qualifier declares a data object that can have its value changed in ways outside the control or detection of the compiler (such as a variable updated by the system clock or by another program).

1 Answers

I would say the rule of thumb is if your variable value can be changed at any time during run-time and you don't know when, use volatile keyword. That includes interrupts. For example you have interrupt callback function that counts how many times the user pressed something on a keyboard. Your program does not know WHEN will the user press the button on the keyboard so your counter variable must be declared with volatile keyword.

As mentioned before, it disables some compiler optimizations for a variable. For example:

int a = 5;
while(a == 5){
  //do something

Compiler optimizes the while(a == 5) statement to while(true) because it sees that variable a cannot change during run-time and it is no use to check the value of a every loop. So you end up in an infinite loop. But if you add keyword volatile:

volatile int a = 5;
while(a == 5){
  //do something

You just tell the compiler to leave the variable as it is. Don't make any optimizations on it, some interrupt might change it's value. And at this it works just fine.

like image 85
Cactus'as Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 15:10
