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Jetpack Compose - How can we call a @Composable function inside an onClick()

I know its not possible to call composable functions inside onClick. @Composable invocations can only happen from the context of a @Composable function

Compose version - alpha06

But I'm stuck with the below requirement. The requirement is, Call a server api call inside an onClick.

LazyColumnFor(items = list) { reports ->
        onClick = {
            //API call
            val liveDataReportsDetails =

    )) {

            item = reports
like image 531
DSP Avatar asked Jan 09 '21 10:01


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1 Answers

So you're right, composable functions cannot be called from within onClicks from either a button or a modifier. So you need to create a value like:

private val showDialog = mutableStateOf(false)

When set to true you want to invoke the composable code, like:

if(showDialog.value) {

Alert being something like:

fun alert() {
        title = {
            Text(text = "Test")
        text = {
        onDismissRequest = {

        buttons = {
            Button(onClick = { showDialog.value = false }) {


Now finish with changing the boolean where intended, like:

    onClick = {
        showDialog.value = true

I hope this explanation helps, of course the value doesn't have to be a boolean, but you get the concept :).

like image 148
jobbert Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 08:10
