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Jetpack Compose - Centering Text

I am using Jetpack Compose to create a simple flash card. The idea is that you click the flash card and it will give you the answer. However, I am stuck on a basic problem.

Unfortunately... I could not even find the official documentation, so my learning style has been trusting the autocorrect system...

Anyway, I believe the issue is either with Box() or Text(). I have added a Align.CenterEnd for the Gravity of the box. However, this seems to be the only way for centering in terms for the box. On the other hand, Text() does not give any methods to do so (It has gravity but it doesnt seem to be changing anything)

A hand in the right direction would be amazing.

On a side note, I know this would be giving free answers. But how would I change the text of $question inside the on click. As I thought Composables refresh?... thus, should regenerate on the screen? maybe not?


 val typography = MaterialTheme.typography

        val context = ContextAmbient.current
        var question = "How many Bananas should go in my Smoothie?"

        Column(modifier = Modifier.padding(30.dp).then(Modifier.fillMaxWidth())
                .clickable(onClick = { Toast.makeText(context, "3 Bananas are needed!", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show()} ) /*question = "3 Bananas required"*/
                .clip(shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp))) {
            Box(modifier = Modifier.preferredSize(350.dp)
                    .gravity(align = Alignment.CenterHorizontally)
                    .border(width = 4.dp, color = Gray, shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp)),
            shape = RoundedCornerShape(2.dp),
            backgroundColor = DarkGray,
            gravity = Alignment.CenterEnd) {
                style = typography.h4,

Picture of Current Content

like image 765
PandaPlaysAll Avatar asked Sep 03 '20 07:09


People also ask

How do you center align Text in jetpack compose?

If you want only to center horizontally just use: Column( modifier = Modifier. fillMaxWidth(), horizontalAlignment = Alignment.

How do you center align Text in compose?

To center align content of Column along horizontal axis in Android Compose, set horizontalAlignment parameter with the value of Alignment. CenterHorizontally . Also, we may fill the maximum width by the Column using Modifier. fillMaxWidth().

2 Answers

You can use textAlign to align your text horizontal and wrapContentHeight to align your text vertical within Text composable

Example centering text (both horizontal and vertical) within Text

    text = "How many cars are in the garage",
    textAlign = TextAlign.Center, // make text center horizontal
    modifier = Modifier
        .wrapContentHeight() // make text center vertical

Example align bottom with center horizontal within Text

    text = "How many cars are in the garage",
    textAlign = TextAlign.Center, // make text center horizontal
    modifier = Modifier
        .wrapContentHeight(Alignment.Bottom) // align bottom

Example align bottom with center horizontal within a Box

Box(modifier = Modifier
    contentAlignment = Alignment.BottomCenter
) {
        text = "How many cars are in the garage",
        textAlign = TextAlign.Center
like image 86
Linh Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 05:10


You can apply textAlign = TextAlign.Center in the Text:

Column(modifier = Modifier
            .clickable(onClick = { } ) /*question = "3 Bananas required"*/
            .clip(shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp)),
) {
    Box(modifier = Modifier
            .border(width = 4.dp, color = Gray, shape = RoundedCornerShape(16.dp)),
             alignment = Alignment.Center) {
        Text("Question 1 : How many cars are in the garage?",
                textAlign = TextAlign.Center,
                style = typography.h4,

enter image description here

About the text.

You can use something like:

var text by remember { mutableStateOf(("How many cars are in the garage?")) }

In your clickable item:

.clickable(onClick = { text= "After clicking"} )

in your Text:

        textAlign = TextAlign.Center,

It is just a simple. Instead of a static String you can use a dynamic structure to store and update the value.

like image 26
Gabriele Mariotti Avatar answered Oct 29 '22 07:10

Gabriele Mariotti