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Jetpack Compose State: Modify class property

The below two examples simply add an 'a' to a given default value. The compose_version used is 1.0.0-alpha03 which is the latest as of today (to my knowledge).

This example is most similar to most examples I've found during my research.

Example 1

fun MyScreen() {
    val (name, setName) = remember { mutableStateOf("Ma") }

    Column {
        Text(text = name) // 'Ma'
        Button(onClick = {
                setName(name + "a") // change it to 'Maa'
        }) {
            Text(text = "Add an 'a'")

However, this isn't always practical. Say for example, the data was more complex than a single field. A class for instance, or even a Room data class.

Example 2

// the class to be modified
class MyThing(var name: String = "Ma");

fun MyScreen() {
    val (myThing, setMyThing) = remember { mutableStateOf(MyThing()) }

    Column {
        Text(text = myThing.name) // 'Ma'
        Button(onClick = {
                var nextMyThing = myThing
                nextMyThing.name += "a" // change it to 'Maa'
        }) {
            Text(text = "Add an 'a'")

Of course, Example 1 works, but Example 2 does not. Is this a simple error on my part, or am I missing the larger picture about how I should go about modifying this class instance?


I have sort of found a way to make this work, but it seems inefficient. It does line up with how React manages state however, so maybe it is the correct way to do it.

The issue in Example 2 quite clearly is that myNextThing is not a copy of the original myThing, but rather a reference to it. Just like React, Jetpack Compose seems to want an entirely new object when modifying the state. This can be done in one of two ways:

  1. Creating a new instance of the MyThing class, changing what one needs to change, and then calling setMyThing() with the new class instance
  2. Changing class MyThing to data class MyThing and using the copy() function to create a new instance with the same properties. Then, change the desired property and call setMyThing(). This is the best way in the context of my question given that I explicitly stated that I would like to use this to modify the data on a given data class used by Android Room.

Example 3 (functional)

// the class to be modified
data class MyThing(var name: String = "Ma");

fun MyScreen() {
    val (myThing, setMyThing) = remember { mutableStateOf(MyThing()) }

    Column {
        Text(text = myThing.name) // 'Ma'
        Button(onClick = {
                var nextMyThing = myThing.copy() // make a copy instead of a reference
                nextMyThing.name += "a" // change it to 'Maa'
        }) {
            Text(text = "Add an 'a'")
like image 354
foxtrotuniform6969 Avatar asked Sep 18 '20 12:09


2 Answers

Ok so for anyone wondering about this there is an easier way to resolve this issue. When you define you mutable state property like this:

//There is a second paremeter wich defines the policy of the changes on de state if you
//set this value to neverEqualPolicy() you can make changes and then just set the value
class Vm : ViewModel() {
 val dummy = mutableStateOf(value = Dummy(), policy= neverEqualPolicy())

 //Update the value like this 
 fun update(){
 dummy.value.property = "New value"
//Here is the key since it has the never equal policy it will treat them as different no matter the changes
 dummy.value = dummy.value

For more information about the available policies: https://developer.android.com/reference/kotlin/androidx/compose/runtime/SnapshotMutationPolicy

like image 169
Augusto Alonso Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09

Augusto Alonso

An Annotation to store data class @AsState

Well I am still not sure about wether it is fine to simply .copy(changedValue = "...") a large data class or if this is inefficient because it triggers unecessary recompositions. I know from experience that it can cause some tedious code when dealing with changing hashmaps and lists inside of data classes. On the one hand what @CommonsWare mentioned as an alternative approach really sounds like the right way to go: i.e. tracking every property of a data class that can change as State independently. Yet this makes my code and ViewModels incredibly verbose. And just imagine adding a new property to a data class; you then need to create a mutable and an immutable stateholder for this property as well its just needlesly tedious.

My solution: I went in a similar direction as what @foxtrotuniform6969 was trying to do. I wrote an AnnotationProcessor that takes my data classes and creates both a mutable and immutable version of the class holding all properties as state. It supports both lists and maps but is shallow (meaning that it wont repeat the same process for nested classes). Here an example of a Test.class with the annotation and the resulting generated classes. As you can see you can easily instantiate the state holder classes using the original data class and conversely harvest the modified data class from the state holder class.

please let me know if you consider this to be usefull in order to track state more cleanly when a data class is displayed/edited in a composable (and also if you dont)

The original class

data class Test(val name:String, val age:Int, val map:HashMap<String,Int>, val list:ArrayList<String>)

The mutable verion of the class with a custonm constructor and rootClass getter

public class TestMutableState {
  public val name: MutableState<String>

  public val age: MutableState<Int>

  public val map: SnapshotStateMap<String, Int>

  public val list: SnapshotStateList<String>

  public constructor(rootObject: Test) {

  public fun getTest(): Test = Test(name = this.name.value,
  age = this.age.value,
  map = HashMap(this.map),
  list = ArrayList(this.list),

The immutable version that can be public in the ViewModel

public class TestState {
  public val name: State<String>

  public val age: State<Int>

  public val map: SnapshotStateMap<String, Int>

  public val list: SnapshotStateList<String>

  public constructor(mutableObject: TestMutableState) {


Next I am pasting the source code for my annotation processor so you can implement it. I basically followed this article and implemented some of my own changes based on arduous googling. I might make this a module in the future so that other people can more easily implement this in their projects i there is any interest:

Annotation class

public annotation class AsState

Annotation processor

class AnnotationProcessor : AbstractProcessor() {
    companion object {
        const val KAPT_KOTLIN_GENERATED_OPTION_NAME = "kapt.kotlin.generated"

    override fun getSupportedAnnotationTypes(): MutableSet<String> {
        return mutableSetOf(AsState::class.java.name)

    override fun getSupportedSourceVersion(): SourceVersion = SourceVersion.latest()

    override fun process(annotations: MutableSet<out TypeElement>?, roundEnv: RoundEnvironment): Boolean {
            .forEach {
                if (it.kind != ElementKind.CLASS) {
                    processingEnv.messager.printMessage(Diagnostic.Kind.ERROR, "Only classes can be annotated")
                    return true
        return false

    @OptIn(KotlinPoetMetadataPreview::class, com.squareup.kotlinpoet.DelicateKotlinPoetApi::class)
    private fun processAnnotation(element: Element) {
        val className = element.simpleName.toString()
        val pack = processingEnv.elementUtils.getPackageOf(element).toString()
        val kmClass = (element as TypeElement).toImmutableKmClass()

        //create vessel for mutable state class
        val mutableFileName = "${className}MutableState"
        val mutableFileBuilder= FileSpec.builder(pack, mutableFileName)
        val mutableClassBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(mutableFileName)
        val mutableConstructorBuilder= FunSpec.constructorBuilder()
        var helper="return ${element.simpleName}("

        //create vessel for immutable state class
        val stateFileName = "${className}State"
        val stateFileBuilder= FileSpec.builder(pack, stateFileName)
        val stateClassBuilder = TypeSpec.classBuilder(stateFileName)
        val stateConstructorBuilder= FunSpec.constructorBuilder()

        //import state related libraries
        val mutableStateClass= ClassName("androidx.compose.runtime","MutableState")
        val stateClass=ClassName("androidx.compose.runtime","State")
        val snapshotStateMap= ClassName("androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots","SnapshotStateMap")
        val snapshotStateList=ClassName("androidx.compose.runtime.snapshots","SnapshotStateList")

        fun processMapParameter(property: ImmutableKmValueParameter) {
            val clName =
                ((property.type?.abbreviatedType?.classifier) as KmClassifier.TypeAlias).name
            val arguments = property.type?.abbreviatedType?.arguments?.map {
                    ((it.type?.classifier) as KmClassifier.Class).name
            val paramClass = ClassInspectorUtil.createClassName(clName)
            val elementPackage = clName.replace("/", ".")
            val paramName = property.name

            arguments?.let {
                        snapshotStateMap.parameterizedBy(it), KModifier.PUBLIC
            arguments?.let {
                        snapshotStateMap.parameterizedBy(it), KModifier.PUBLIC

            helper = helper.plus("${paramName} = ${paramClass.simpleName}(this.${paramName}),\n")



        fun processListParameter(property: ImmutableKmValueParameter) {
            val clName =
                ((property.type?.abbreviatedType?.classifier) as KmClassifier.TypeAlias).name
            val arguments = property.type?.abbreviatedType?.arguments?.map {
                    ((it.type?.classifier) as KmClassifier.Class).name
            val paramClass = ClassInspectorUtil.createClassName(clName)
            val elementPackage = clName.replace("/", ".")
            val paramName = property.name

            arguments?.let {
                        snapshotStateList.parameterizedBy(it), KModifier.PUBLIC
            arguments?.let {
                        snapshotStateList.parameterizedBy(it), KModifier.PUBLIC

            helper = helper.plus("${paramName} = ${paramClass.simpleName}(this.${paramName}),\n")



        fun processDefaultParameter(property: ImmutableKmValueParameter) {
            val clName = ((property.type?.classifier) as KmClassifier.Class).name
            val paramClass = ClassInspectorUtil.createClassName(clName)
            val elementPackage = clName.replace("/", ".")
            val paramName = property.name

                    mutableStateClass.parameterizedBy(paramClass), KModifier.PUBLIC

            helper = helper.plus("${paramName} = this.${paramName}.value,\n")

                    "this.${paramName}=mutableStateOf(rootObject.${paramName}) "


        for (property in kmClass.constructors[0].valueParameters) {
            val javaPackage = (property.type!!.classifier as KmClassifier.Class).name.replace("/", ".")
            val javaClass=try {
            }catch (e:Exception){

                Map::class.java.isAssignableFrom(javaClass) ->{ //if property is of type map
                List::class.java.isAssignableFrom(javaClass) ->{ //if property is of type list
                else ->{ //all others

        helper=helper.plus(")") //close off method

        val getRootBuilder= FunSpec.builder("get$className")

        val kaptKotlinGeneratedDir = processingEnv.options[KAPT_KOTLIN_GENERATED_OPTION_NAME]

        val mutableFile = mutableFileBuilder
            .addImport("androidx.compose.runtime", "mutableStateOf")

        val stateFile = stateFileBuilder

gradle annotation

plugins {
    id 'java-library'
    id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.jvm'

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:$kotlin_version"

java {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8

gradle processor

plugins {
    id 'kotlin'
    id 'kotlin-kapt'

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    implementation project(':annotations')
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.6.10"
    // https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/com.squareup/kotlinpoet
    implementation 'com.squareup:kotlinpoet:1.10.2'
    implementation "com.squareup:kotlinpoet-metadata:1.7.1"
    implementation "com.squareup:kotlinpoet-metadata-specs:1.7.1"
    implementation "com.google.auto.service:auto-service:1.0.1"
    // https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/org.jetbrains.kotlinx/kotlinx-metadata-jvm
    implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-metadata-jvm:0.4.2"
    implementation 'org.json:json:20211205'

    kapt "com.google.auto.service:auto-service:1.0.1"

java {
    sourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
    targetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
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quealegriamasalegre Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
