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Jenkins + Gerrit Trigger Not Automatically Building

Jenkins does not seem to be automatically pulling in changes that need to be reviewed from Gerrit.

We're using Gerrit Trigger.

Also If I try to manually trigger some, it seems like nothing ever happens.

The "control" in the Gerrit Trigger management area, doesn't seem to much... flashes either "starting", "stopping" or "restarting"

Any ideas where I went wrong?

like image 649
Michael Avatar asked Jul 12 '12 21:07


People also ask

How do I trigger a build automatically in Jenkins?

Follow the steps as mentioned below to trigger a Jenkins job automatically based on GitHub's webhook configurations: Step 1: Go to the Configuration page of the respective job and under the build trigger section, check the "GitHub hook trigger for GITScm polling" checkbox and click on the Save button.

How do I manually trigger a build in Jenkins?

Manual Review From the Jenkins dashboard, click the job name in the table. Click Build Review in the sidebar menu. Complete the form to specify the parameters for build. To trigger the build, click the Build button.

2 Answers

I was just having the same problem, and it had to do with the default Gerritt setting in my job for matching branches. In your job, under Gerritt Trigger, if your Branches Pattern says "**", make sure the Type is set to Path, or else it won't match any branches.

like image 141
Ari Avatar answered Dec 12 '22 21:12


I've actually stumbled over the same problem and it took me a while to figure out the UI, since I thought the branch and project configuration belongs to Dynamic Trigger Configuration. The configuration will basically need to look like this: enter image description here

Note: my configuration uses the Silent Mode, since I don't want the plug-in to communicate back to gerrit.

like image 26
romanofski Avatar answered Dec 12 '22 22:12
