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JDK/JRE installer not working on x64 [closed]

So I began developing Java applications on my laptop a few weeks ago, and I've been doing so on my laptop since then... But now when I try to install the JDK on my PC, it doesn't install (as in, I double click on the JDK[version].exe and the Install Wizard doesn't even show up). -- and yes, I have the JRE installed. I'm very confused and frustrated... I'd really appreciate if someone can tell me what I'm doing wrong (and, yes, I've already tried reinstalling the JRE).

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P Dutt Avatar asked Jun 06 '12 04:06

P Dutt

1 Answers

I had the same problem, tried installing JDK 8u111 and 8u112 in both x64 and i586 flavors on Windows 7 x64 and it seemed that nothing worked.

Checking in Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application as suggested by Felix Christi showed that the Windows Installer has actually completed all the installations.

So I went to Program Files\Java and found all of the 4 JDK installations sitting nicely side-by-side, without me even getting a single confirmation message. Have you checked that the installation did really fail in your case?

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M. F. Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10

M. F.