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jaxb single element in array




I'm using JAXB/Jersey (1.3) to convert java to json in a REST API. The java class I'm returning is like:

public class MyClass {  
  List<String> myTags;
  public List<String> getMyTags() {
    return myTags;

My problem is that if there is only a single element in the list myTags, then the data is converted to json as a string object, not an array of strings. That is, I get:

  "myTags": "myString"

What I want is:

   "myTags": ["myString"]

Anyone know whats up ?

like image 878
Kevin Avatar asked Apr 12 '11 20:04


1 Answers

As per Luciano's comments, the problem lies in the fact that Jersey wasn't using Jackson as the default JSON converter. I tried excluding Jettison from the pom dependency, but it still didn't resolve the issue. I found an answer to explicitly tell Jersey to use Jackson here:

How can I customize serialization of a list of JAXB objects to JSON?

like image 62
Kevin Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 19:10
