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Javascript search inside a JSON object

I had a JSON string / object in my application.

{"list": [     {"name":"my Name","id":12,"type":"car owner"},     {"name":"my Name2","id":13,"type":"car owner2"},     {"name":"my Name4","id":14,"type":"car owner3"},     {"name":"my Name4","id":15,"type":"car owner5"} ]} 

I had a filter box in my application, and when I type a name into that box, we have to filter the object and display the result.

For example, if the user types "name" and hits search, then we have to search full names in the JSON object and return the array, just like a MySQL search ...

My question is to filter the json object with string and return the array....

like image 365
ramesh Avatar asked May 21 '12 04:05


People also ask

How do you find something in JSON?

I suggest using JavaScript's Array method filter() to identify an element by value. It filters data by using a "function to test each element of the array. Return true to keep the element, false otherwise.." The following function filters the data, returning data for which the callback returns true , i.e. where data.

Can we search in JSON file?

Call a JS function when the user clicks the button. Read the file from disk on the server into a JS variable in the browser. Use lodash. js to get the url from the JS variable for the search term.

What is JSON search?

In addition to using the Google-esque search syntax to find things in your logs, Papertrail can parse a JSON object that appears at the end of a log line. Each line can contain arbitrary string data before the JSON.

2 Answers

You could just loop through the array and find the matches:

var results = []; var searchField = "name"; var searchVal = "my Name"; for (var i=0 ; i < obj.list.length ; i++) {     if (obj.list[i][searchField] == searchVal) {         results.push(obj.list[i]);     } } 
like image 72
McGarnagle Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09


If your question is, is there some built-in thing that will do the search for you, then no, there isn't. You basically loop through the array using either String#indexOf or a regular expression to test the strings.

For the loop, you have at least three choices:

  1. A boring old for loop.

  2. On ES5-enabled environments (or with a shim), Array#filter.

  3. Because you're using jQuery, jQuery.map.

Boring old for loop example:

function search(source, name) {     var results = [];     var index;     var entry;      name = name.toUpperCase();     for (index = 0; index < source.length; ++index) {         entry = source[index];         if (entry && entry.name && entry.name.toUpperCase().indexOf(name) !== -1) {             results.push(entry);         }     }      return results; } 

Where you'd call that with obj.list as source and the desired name fragment as name.

Or if there's any chance there are blank entries or entries without names, change the if to:

        if (entry && entry.name && entry.name.toUpperCase().indexOf(name) !== -1) { 

Array#filter example:

function search(source, name) {     var results;      name = name.toUpperCase();     results = source.filter(function(entry) {         return entry.name.toUpperCase().indexOf(name) !== -1;     });     return results; } 

And again, if any chance that there are blank entries (e.g., undefined, as opposed to missing; filter will skip missing entries), change the inner return to:

        return entry && entry.name && entry.name.toUpperCase().indexOf(name) !== -1; 

jQuery.map example (here I'm assuming jQuery = $ as is usually the case; change $ to jQuery if you're using noConflict):

function search(source, name) {     var results;      name = name.toUpperCase();     results = $.map(source, function(entry) {         var match = entry.name.toUpperCase().indexOf(name) !== -1;         return match ? entry : null;     });     return results; } 

(And again, add entry && entry.name && in there if necessary.)

like image 34
T.J. Crowder Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09

T.J. Crowder