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Javascript projects to learn from [closed]

People also ask

Can I learn JavaScript by building projects?

The best way to learn JavaScript is to practice JavaScript by building as many projects as possible.

Can I learn JavaScript in 2 days?

Seriously, two days is about enough to get a feel for the basics. It's nowhere near enough time to get to "professional" level (whatever that means exactly). The more experience you have with other languages, the easier it will be, though.

Have a look at some of the JavaScript projects hosted on Github: https://github.com/search?q=javascript&ref=cmdform

There's a great interactive tutorial for learning JS, Eloquent Javascript which I would really recommend. Since you already mentioned you tried learning jQuery by the source and it was hard, why not just go this route?

In essence all javascript is open source. You just go to the webpage and view source.

If you open the JS file directly you will see its source.

There are of course exceptions, with people trying to obfuscate javascript, but they are the minority.

Checkout jQuery and the jQuery plugins to learn more.

Another good source is the talks of Douglas Crockford on javascript. Google has a bunch of them, here.

I would recommend to take a look at OpenLayers project.

It's an open source javascript library for creating web mapping "Google Maps"-like applications.

It's a good example of how to write solid, testable and maintainable object oriented javascript code.

Did you check out the JQuery tutorial pages? They contain a lot of practical examples http://docs.jquery.com/Tutorials

http://www.jsmadeeasy.com/ scripts exaples - learn by example