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How to pass an object as props with vue router?

I have the following fiddle https://jsfiddle.net/91vLms06/1/

const CreateComponent = Vue.component('create', {   props: ['user', 'otherProp'],   template: '<div>User data: {{user}}; other prop: {{otherProp}}</div>' });  const ListComponent = Vue.component('List', {   template: '<div>Listing</div>' });  const app = new Vue({   el: '#app',   router: new VueRouter(),   created: function () {     const self = this;         // ajax request returning the user     const userData = {'name': 'username'}      self.$router.addRoutes([       { path: '/create', name: 'create', component: CreateComponent, props: { user: userData }},       { path: '/list', name: 'list', component: ListComponent },       { path: '*', redirect: '/list'}     ]);     self.$router.push({name: 'create'}); // ok result: User data: { "name": "username" }; other prop:     self.$router.push({name: 'list'}); // ok result: Listing      // first attempt     self.$router.push({name: 'create', props: {otherProp: {"a":"b"}}}) // not ok result: User data: { "name": "username" }; other prop:     self.$router.push({name: 'list'}); // ok result: Listing      // second attempt     self.$router.push({name: 'create', params: {otherProp: {"a":"b"}}}) //not ok result: User data: { "name": "username" }; other prop:   } }); 

As you can see first I am passing to CreateComponent the user just when I initialize the route.

Later I need to pass another property otherProp and still keep the user parameter. When I try to do this the object I send is not passed to the component.

How can I pass the otherProp and still keep the user?

The real purpose of the otherProp is to fill a form with the data from it. In the listing part I have the object and when I click the "edit" button I want to populate the form with the data that comes from the listing.

like image 638
tzortzik Avatar asked May 24 '18 10:05


People also ask

How do I access my router props?

Another way to access the router props is to add an import statement at the top of the component and import 'withRouter'. import { withRouter } from 'react-router-dom'; Then in the export default statement at the end of the component you would wrap the component in 'withRouter'. export default withRouter(HomePage);

Can I use props in data Vue?

Using props in Vue After you have set up the props, you can then use it inside your component as though the data was defined inside the same component. This means you can set up method calls and easily access this.

1 Answers

It can work by using props's Function mode and params

demo: https://jsfiddle.net/jacobgoh101/mo57f0ny/1/

when adding routes, use props's Function mode so that it has a default property user and it will add route.params as props.

{     path: '/create',     name: 'create',     component: CreateComponent,     props: (route) => ({         user: userData,         ...route.params     }) } 

params passed in push will automatically be added to props.

self.$router.push({     name: 'create',     params: {         otherProp: {             "a": "b"         }     } }) 
like image 121
Jacob Goh Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 12:09

Jacob Goh