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JavaScript Object literal notation confusion

In Firefox console, this code will generate error:

{"d" : ["bankaccountnumber", "$1234.56"] } 
>   SyntaxError: invalid label {
> message="invalid label",  more...}

this code works just fine

{d : ["bankaccountnumber", "$1234.56"] } 
> ["bankaccountnumber", "$1234.56"]

this code works fine as well

var a = {'d' : ["bankaccountnumber", "$1234.56"] };
> ["bankaccountnumber", "$1234.56"]

Can someone help to explain why is the diference? thanks!

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nandin Avatar asked May 05 '10 16:05


2 Answers

This is because of ambiguous syntax. When you try to make a plain object literal in the first two lines, JavaScript is really interpreting it as a set of braces, then a label, then a statement:

    d: ["bankaccountnumber", "$1234.56"]

This code doesn't evaluate to an object, but just to the array. The first example, you tried to use a string as a label, which is incorrect syntax. The third example works properly, creating an object and storing it in a.

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Claudiu Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 05:09


it is probably having a hard time deciding whether it is an expression or a block. If you use parenthesis around the object it works as it forces an expression. The grouping operator, ( and ), forces { and } to be parsed as object literal.

({"d" : ["bankaccountnumber", "$1234.56"] }) // works

Read Named function expressions demystified. Its not directly related to this issue but does address it when talking about the use of grouping-parenthesis and eval().

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David Murdoch Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 05:09

David Murdoch