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Javascript - Infinite scroll JSON array?

I have JavaScript like that:

items.forEach(function (item, index, arr) {
                var message = 'BitSkins Price: $' + item.bprice + '';
                if (item.price != null) {
                    if (item.bprice == '') {
                        message = 'Item never sold on BitSkins!';
                    if (item.name != 'Operation Phoenix Case Key' && item.name != 'CS:GO Case Key' && item.name != 'Winter Offensive Case Key' && item.name != 'Revolver Case Key' && item.name != 'Operation Vanguard Case Key' && item.name != 'Operation Wildfire Case Key' && item.name != 'Shadow Case Key' && item.name != 'Operation Breakout Case Key' && item.name != 'Chroma Case Key' && item.name != 'Huntsman Case Key' && item.name != 'Falchion Case Key' && item.name != 'Chroma 2 Case Key') {
                        $("#inventory").html($("#inventory").html() + "<li class='col 2' style='padding:8px;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px'><div class='card item-card waves-effect waves-light' style='margin:0%;min-height:295px;width:245.438px;border-radius: 15px;' id='" + item.id + "'><div class='iteam' style='text-decoration: underline;text-align: left'>" + item.name + "</div><div class='condition' style='text-align: left;text-size:13px'>" + item.condition + "</div><div class='center-align' style='padding:6%'><img title=\"" + item.originalname + "\" draggable='false' src='https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/" + item.iconurl + "/200fx200'><div class 'floatvalue'>Float: 0.11503319442272186<div class='bitskinscomp' style='font-weight: normal;font-size:12px'>" + message + "</div><div class='buyer-price center-align'>$" + numberWithCommas(item.price) + "</li></div></div>");

Which adds each item in array to the html and then shows there. items array containts JSON, which could be 1000 different items. How could I add infinite scroll on that JavaScript? Example: It will show first 50 items, then if you scroll another 50.. Also, sort them by the price (I got it in code already).

like image 374
Jacob Revestus Avatar asked Nov 08 '22 15:11

Jacob Revestus

2 Answers

You can easily do it like this:

var perPage = 50;

function paginate(items, page) {
  var start = perPage * page;
  return items.slice(start, start + perPage);

function renderItems(pageItems) {
  pageItems.forEach(function (item, index, arr) {
    var message = 'BitSkins Price: $' + item.bprice + '';
    if (item.price != null) {
      if (item.bprice == '') {
        message = 'Item never sold on BitSkins!';
      if (item.name != 'Operation Phoenix Case Key' && item.name != 'CS:GO Case Key' && item.name != 'Winter Offensive Case Key' && item.name != 'Revolver Case Key' && item.name != 'Operation Vanguard Case Key' && item.name != 'Operation Wildfire Case Key' && item.name != 'Shadow Case Key' && item.name != 'Operation Breakout Case Key' && item.name != 'Chroma Case Key' && item.name != 'Huntsman Case Key' && item.name != 'Falchion Case Key' && item.name != 'Chroma 2 Case Key') {
        $("#inventory").append("<li class='col 2' style='padding:8px;font-weight:bold;font-size:16px'><div class='card item-card waves-effect waves-light' style='margin:0%;min-height:295px;width:245.438px;border-radius: 15px;' id='" + item.id + "'><div class='iteam' style='text-decoration: underline;text-align: left'>" + item.name + "</div><div class='condition' style='text-align: left;text-size:13px'>" + item.condition + "</div><div class='center-align' style='padding:6%'><img title=\"" + item.originalname + "\" draggable='false' src='https://steamcommunity-a.akamaihd.net/economy/image/" + item.iconurl + "/200fx200'><div class 'floatvalue'>Float: 0.11503319442272186<div class='bitskinscomp' style='font-weight: normal;font-size:12px'>" + message + "</div><div class='buyer-price center-align'>$" + numberWithCommas(item.price) + "</li></div></div>");

$(document).ready(function() {
  var win = $(window);
  var page = 0;
  renderItems(paginate(items, page));

  // Each time the user scrolls
  win.scroll(function() {
    // End of the document reached?
    if ($(document).height() - win.height() == win.scrollTop()) {
      renderItems(paginate(items, page));

Or using jQuery endlessScroll plugin

$(document).ready(function() {
    inflowPixels: 300,
    callback: function() {
      //append new items to your list
like image 171
Dmitriy Nevzorov Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 03:11

Dmitriy Nevzorov

How about writing a small function that checks scroll position and fires a ajax call to get more data or just get the next slot of data from your json object and bind it to HTML. something as below:

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()) {
           // ajax call or some other logic to show data here

Or you can use one of the so many plugins, I am using Waypoint for one of the same thing.

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Shri Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
