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Can't send emails with Mailgun

So I just signed up for Mailgun, I haven't entered any credit card info neither have I verified a domain name or anything of that sort. I did verify my Mailgun account however.

My issue is that for some reason, I can only send emails to the email address I signed up for the Mailgun account with. E.g. the email I used to set up my account in Mailgun is [email protected], and I can only send emails to [email protected], if I enter another email address, nothing happens.

Any help is appreciated. My objective is to be able to send emails to any address.

like image 467
Peppa Pig Avatar asked Nov 09 '22 16:11

Peppa Pig

1 Answers

Duplicate issue Mailgun API works only with one email

You have verified your domain to send an email to other emails. for more read this

like image 66
Nitin Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 07:11
