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JavaScript Cursor Change (and change back again)

I have this page that does some funky database stuff that takes a couple seconds to process, and in the meantime I'd like to set a "wait" cursor so the user doesn't flip out and keep clicking the button. I've looked at the

document.body.style.cursor = "wait"

thing, the problem with this is that it only works when the mouse is over the body of the page (i.e. still shows normal pointer if it's over a button). How can I set it so that no matter where the mouse is on the page, it shows a wait icon?

A second part to this question is, once it's done it's thing, how do I set it back? If I set it back to "default", this seems to override any "hover" cursor changes I had set in my CSS (so it no longer becomes a hand when over a specified object, etc.).

EDIT: the first answer works nicely, except in IE it doesn't refresh the cursor (so you notice the change of cursor type) until you actually move the cursor. Any fixes?

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Jordan Avatar asked Mar 03 '11 01:03


People also ask

How do I change my cursor back to original?

Press Windows Key +I and go to Ease of access and select Mouse option from the left Pane and try to set default settings for mouse and see if it helps.

Can Javascript Move cursor?

You cannot move the actual mouse pointer in Javascript. You can, however move a pointer shaped image and pretend that you can. :-) Better yet, you can move a cat image around, following the mouse cursor, and try to use it to chase the cursor into the position you want.

2 Answers

What I suggest is two things: a) Better write a CSS like

body.waiting * { cursor: wait; }

b) Use the JS to handle the body class

/* when you need to wait */
document.body.className = 'waiting';
/* to remove the wait state */
document.body.className = ''; // could be empty or whatever you want

You might want to add the class instead of replace the whole class attribute, what I suggest is to use something like jQuery for that.

EDIT 2019: don't use jQuery for just this, use classList

like image 184
Tom Roggero Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 02:09

Tom Roggero

For your first problem, try using cursor: wait !important;.

For your second problem, the default cursor for elements is cursor: auto;, not cursor: default; or cursor: inherit;.

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Hello71 Avatar answered Sep 24 '22 02:09
