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Best way to create class getter/setters in Javascript?

Coming from C#/PHP, I would like to have full getters/setters on the classes (functions) that I create with Javascript.

However, in much of the Javascript code I have encountered, getters and setters are not used, rather simple public variables.

I was pleased to find John Resig's article on getters and setters, but some comments on it which state that some browsers "do not support getters and setters" which is confusing to me since they are not a "feature" of Javascript but more of a simple pattern which uses basic Javascript syntax. This article was also written in 2007 so it could be outdated by now.

What is the current state of getters and setters in Javascript? Are they indeed "supported" by all browsers today (whatever that means)? Are they a useful programming pattern for Javascript or are Javascript classes (being functions) better off with public variables? Is there a better way to implement them than the following?

$(document).ready(function() {
    var module = new Module('idcode');
    module.set_id_code('new idcode');
    module.set_title('new title');
    $('body').html(module.get_id_code()+': '+module.get_title());

function Module(id_code, title) {
    var id_code = id_code;
    var title = title;

    this.get_id_code = function() {
        return id_code;
    this.set_id_code = function(value) {
        id_code = value;

    this.get_title = function() {
        return title;
    this.set_title = function(value) {
        title = value;
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Edward Tanguay Avatar asked Dec 15 '10 14:12

Edward Tanguay

People also ask

Do JavaScript classes need getters and setters?

The Complete Full-Stack JavaScript Course!Classes allow using getters and setters. It is smart to use getters and setters for the properties, especially if you want to do something special with the value before returning them, or before you set them.

What are classes What are getters and setters in JavaScript?

In a JavaScript class, getters and setters are used to get or set the properties values. “get” is the keyword utilized to define a getter method for retrieving the property value, whereas “set” defines a setter method for changing the value of a specific property.

Why do we need getters and setters in JavaScript?

Well, for those interested, getters and setters are a method of allowing accessibility of private variables inside a function. This ensures a user cannot get or set the variable unless they use the defined getter/setter methods.

2 Answers

Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera (but not IE) all have the same non-standard getter and setter mechanism built in. ECMAScript 5 includes a different syntax that is currently making its way into browsers and will become the standard in future. IE 8 already has this feature, but only on DOM nodes, not regular native JavaScript objects. This is what the syntax looks like:

var obj = {};

Object.defineProperty(obj, "value", {
    get: function () {
        return this.val;
    set: function(val) {
        this.val = val;
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Tim Down Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 09:11

Tim Down

You're missing the point, I think. (Or maybe the other answerers are missing the point.) ECMAScript provides a "behind-the-scenes" getter/setter mechanism, so that

x.foo = 3;
y = x.foo;

really translates into (sort of)

y = x.GetValue("foo");

where PutValue and GetValue are unnamed, not directly accessible functions for setters and getters for properties. (See the ECMAScript standard, 3rd ed., section 8.7.1. and 8.7.2) The 3rd edition doesn't seem to explicitly define how users can set up custom getters and setter functions. Mozilla's implementation of Javascript did and still does, e.g. (this is in JSDB which uses Javascript 1.8):

js>x = {counter: 0};
[object Object]
js>x.__defineGetter__("foo", function() {return this.counter++; });

The syntax is (or at least has been so far) browser-specific. Internet Explorer in particular is lacking, at least according to this SO question.

The 5th edition of the ECMAScript standard does seem to standardize on this mechanism. See this SO question on getters and setters.

edit: A more practical example, perhaps, for your purposes:

function makePrivateObject()
   var state = 0;
   var out = {};
   out.__defineSetter__("foo", function(x) {});
   // prevent foo from being assigned directly
   out.__defineGetter__("foo", function() { return state; });
   out.count = function() { return state++; }
   return out;

js>x = makePrivateObject()
[object Object]
js>x.foo = 33
like image 20
Jason S Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 08:11

Jason S