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How to install npm packages on StackBlitz? [closed]

I just want to install npm packages for angular on StackBlitz. How can I do that since there is no terminal on StackBlitz?

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x7R5fQ Avatar asked Mar 24 '20 23:03


People also ask

How do I add packages to Stackblitz?

Under the "Files" tree is a "Dependencies" section. You can add your dependencies there. If you just want the latest version you can just use the package name (ex: ngx-bootstrap ) or you can target a specific version (ex: [email protected] ).

How do I download NPM packages in Visual Studio?

js projects, the easiest way to install npm packages is through the npm package installation window. To access this window, right-click the npm node in the project and select Install New npm Packages. In this window you can search for a package, specify options, and install.

How do I download Npmjs packages?

If you haven't installed npm, with the current public API, you can also access the information about a package in the npm registry from the URL https://registry.npmjs.org/<package-name>/ . Then you can navigate the JSON at versions > (version number) > dist > tarball to get the URL of the code archive and download it.

1 Answers

Under the "Files" tree is a "Dependencies" section. You can add your dependencies there. If you just want the latest version you can just use the package name (ex: ngx-bootstrap) or you can target a specific version (ex: [email protected]).

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Jason White Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 16:09

Jason White