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Javascript: Calling child function from parent (super?) function.

Both parent functions are overridden by child. two in the child is calling parent's two. however, i was expecting that at the parent level, the call to one would invoke the child's method. Is there a concept that i am missing?

Thank you in advance!


function parent(){}

parent.prototype.one = function(){
    $('body').append("Parent: one <br/>");

parent.prototype.two = function(){
    $('body').append("Parent: two <br/>");

function child(){}

child.prototype = new parent();
child.prototype.constructor = child;

child.prototype.one = function(){ //should this function not be called? 
    $('body').append('Child: one <br />');

child.prototype.two = function(){
    $('body').append('Child: do some child stuff here and call parent: <br />');

var k = new child();
like image 467
alotofquestions Avatar asked Sep 26 '13 04:09


2 Answers

The more optimal way is almost like you are doing it, but you call the parent method over this:

child.prototype.two = function(arg1, arg2) {
  parent.prototype.two.call(this, arg1, arg2);

But I recommend you to use a custom function to extend, you can use extend from jsbase

If you are using ECMAScript 5 getters/setters (if not just use the first one) you may prefeer to use the one at this gist

Both can be used the same way based on Dean Edward's idea:

var Animal = extend(Object, {

  constructor: function(name) {
    // Invoke Object's constructor

    this.name = name;

    // Log creation
    console.log('New animal named ' + name);

  // Abstract
  makeSound: function() {
    console.log(this.name + ' is going to make a sound :)');


var Dog = Animal.extend({

  constructor: function(name) {
    // Invoke Animals's constructor

    // Log creation
    console.log('Dog instanciation');

  bark: function() {

  makeSound: function() {

var pet = new Dog('buddy');
// New animal named buddy
// Dog instanciation
// buddy is going to make a sound :)
// WOF!!!

In your case it can be:

var parent = extend(Object, {
  one: function() {
    $('body').append("Parent: one <br/>");
  two: function() {
    $('body').append("Parent: two <br/>");

var child = parent.extend({
  one: function() {
    $('body').append('Child: one <br />');
  two: function() {
    $('body').append('Child: do some child stuff here and call parent: <br />');
like image 76
A. Matías Quezada Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10

A. Matías Quezada

Well, I understand what you want... define you function like this:

child.prototype.two = (function(){
   var tmp = child.prototype.two;
   return function(){
   $('body').append('Child: do some child stuff here and call parent: <br />');   

You could add else condition to return a function if there is no same function defined on prototype.

like image 22
grape_mao Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 05:10
