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Lazy Loading templates in Meteor

I use require.js to do lazy loading for a Javascript app. I would love to switch to a meteor stack but right now it looks like Meteor sends the whole app (all the templates) through on the initial load. Has anyone had success with require.js and meteor or any other implementation?

like image 902
James Avatar asked Aug 01 '13 15:08


1 Answers

You're asking different questions, but certainly they are connected. The first is about loading additional javascript code into your meteor app. Of course you can use thing like requirejs. This should work fine supposing your lazy code is located in the public directory of your meteor project. However, my experience is that requirejs goes mad when the contents of public gets updated often, so for example in the development environment. Maybe it's a matter of customizing the library, but I would rather recommend using some lightweight homebrewed package. Look here, if you need some inspiration.

The second question is about lazy template definition. Each template consists of two parts. The first is its html code, written in handlebars syntax, the second is all the javascript code which you write to define how your template should behave (e.g. helpers, event handlers). The second part is easy, as long as we assume that we already know how to load the lazy code (see the above paragraph) and the template, lets call it myLazyTemplate, is already defined, so basically speaking Template.myLazyTemplate is not undefined. So how to achieve the latter?

To dynamically define a new template you'll need to call Template.__define__(name, raw_func) on the client. So the last question is "what is raw_func?". This is a compiled version of your html code which is normally created automatically on the server and then sent down the wire to the client when the app gets loaded (look here to see how it's done in meteor). But we want to do it dynamically, right?

So the idea is to compile the template code manually with a help of the Handlebars.to_json_ast routine. You can feed it with your template html code, and the output is some javascript array that can be sent to the client anytime by the method we've already talked about. The last thing you need to do is to call Handlebars.json_ast_to_func on the client, using the data sent from the server as the only argument. The output produced by Handlebars.json_ast_to_func is the raw_func you can use to produce myLazyTemplate template.

I'm aware that this is only a rough idea, not the whole solution to your problem. I hope this will help you to figure out the final solution on your own.

like image 75
Tomasz Lenarcik Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 23:09

Tomasz Lenarcik