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Javascript breakpoints in Visual Studio 2017

I just installed Visual Studio 2017. After starting an ASP.NET MVC application I get the message that chrome debugging in Visual Studio is enabled.

But my breakpoints in Visual Studio won't hit. The breakpoints on Razor code seems to be working but Javascript does not. The breakpoints are not fully red like they should be. A restart, rebuild don't seem to take any effect.

I have the following code example

@Html.Partial("_Test", Model.Test) // debugging works here  <script>     var i = 1;     console.log(i); // debugging does not work here or above </script>  @section scripts {     <script>         var a = 11;         console.log(a); // debugging does not work here or above     </script> } 

I don't have the chrome debugging console open and I checked the option in Visual Studio ('Enable Javascript debugging..') which is enabled.

According to this blog post I thought this should work: https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/webdev/2016/11/21/client-side-debugging-of-asp-net-projects-in-google-chrome/

Am I missing something here? Could it be that this is not working in Visual Studio 2017 somehow?

I only have one extension and that is Resharper, but I guess this is not an issue.

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ronaldm Avatar asked Mar 08 '17 10:03


People also ask

How do you set a breakpoint in Visual Studio 2017?

To set a breakpoint in source code, click in the far left margin next to a line of code. You can also select the line and press F9, select Debug > Toggle Breakpoint, or right-click and select Breakpoint > Insert breakpoint. The breakpoint appears as a red dot in the left margin.

Can you debug JavaScript in Visual Studio?

You can debug JavaScript and TypeScript code using Visual Studio. You can hit breakpoints, attach the debugger, inspect variables, view the call stack, and use other debugging features.

Can you use breakpoints in JavaScript?

Use breakpoints to pause your JavaScript code. This guide explains each type of breakpoint that's available in DevTools, as well as when to use and how to set each type. For a hands-on tutorial of the debugging process, see Get Started with Debugging JavaScript in Chrome DevTools.

How debug JavaScript file in VS Code?

To run or debug a simple app in VS Code, select Run and Debug on the Debug start view or press F5 and VS Code will try to run your currently active file. However, for most debugging scenarios, creating a launch configuration file is beneficial because it allows you to configure and save debugging setup details.

1 Answers

This feature does not work for javascript code inside a *.cshtml file, but only for code in separate *.js (or *.ts) files.

enter image description here Notice how the breakpoint in the JavaScript file is active, while the breakpoint in the Razor view is not.

I have also noticed that breakpoints will not be hit for JavaScript files when JavaScript code is executed during page load when the page is loaded the first time in the current Chrome session. Breakpoints will only work after the document has finished loading once.

like image 155
NineBerry Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 04:10
