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JavaFx GridPane layout how to set margin for an element in row?

I'm using GridPane layout for positioning things in my application. I'm wondering how I can set margin for an element in row

         GridPane.setConstraints(chip5, 1, 1, 1, 1, HPos.RIGHT, VPos.TOP); //I want to set 
       //  margin for chip5 from top (for example 5px)

Is it possible in GridPane?

like image 644
krychuq Avatar asked Sep 17 '15 15:09


2 Answers

You can set the margin for any particular Node:

GridPane.setMargin(chip5, new Insets(5, 0, 0, 0));
like image 124
James_D Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 21:11


In FXML, you can do it as follows:

<TextField fx:id="txtFirstName" GridPane.rowIndex="0" GridPane.columnIndex="1">
        <Insets right="30"/>
like image 5
Eng.Fouad Avatar answered Nov 20 '22 23:11
