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JavaFX 8 - How to build EXE with Maven & INNO

I have not been able to successfully find a working solution on how to configure Maven to build an EXE from JavaFX with Maven.

Projects set up with E(fx)clipse using the build.fxbuild work great, however I would prefer to have a maven project, with dependent modules rather the basic ANT builds.

I have seen some comments on ZENJAVA - but it appears that plug in has lost all traction and is pretty much dead.

Is there anything out there that can bundle an EXE from Maven? My project is an enterprise project which will have several projects, and lots of dependencies - so I was hoping for a simple, effective way to manage all of that.


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purring pigeon Avatar asked Jul 07 '15 16:07

purring pigeon

1 Answers

the plugin is NOT dead, just the official website was taken down due to the costs it produced.

Just look at the git-repository for further details: https://github.com/javafx-maven-plugin/javafx-maven-plugin

We have some sample configurations within our testing-folder: https://github.com/javafx-maven-plugin/javafx-maven-plugin/tree/master/src/it

To just build the EXE-installer, you can specify an specific bundler (from version 8.1.3 and up).

To use the plugin, just put this into your build-plugins:


disclaimer: i'm one of the maintainer of that plugin ;)

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FibreFoX Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 16:10
