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Spring error - springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 404 Not Found

I'm trying to pass an object to another class using Spring (I'm not sure I'm using the right terms, I'm very new to Spring) this way:

     + serverConfig
     + ":"
     + port
     + "/test/rest/TestResultService/insertTestResult/",

When I ran the program it gets to that line and it trows an Exception:

log4j:WARN No appenders could be found for logger (org.apache.commons.httpclient.HttpClient).
log4j:WARN Please initialize the log4j system properly.
log4j:WARN See http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/faq.html#noconfig for more info.
org.springframework.web.client.HttpClientErrorException: 404 Not Found
        at org.springframework.web.client.DefaultResponseErrorHandler.handleError(DefaultResponseErrorHandler.java:76)

The class that's trying to connect to:

public class TesttRestImpl implements TestResultRest 
    public void insertTestResult(TestRestCollection list) {

The path seems to be fine, I don't know why it can't find the method. Do I need to register the path?

like image 931
david Avatar asked Sep 01 '14 14:09


1 Answers

Your path is not correct. If you have a correct path and still get an error then is a mapping error. But in this situation you have 404 error which means that path doesn't exist.

Change your path to : @Path("/test/rest/TestResultService/insertTestResult/")

Then if you have an error again you have to register your path to mapping conf.

like image 121
hurricane Avatar answered Nov 18 '22 13:11
