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Java: What, if anything, is locked by synchronized methods apart from the object they belong to?

Now, I'm not sure whether this is a stupid question, please bear with me if it is.

Is the lock on an object "recursive", i. e. if two objects have references to a third object in their fields and a thread is running a synchronized method on one of the two, can any other thread access the third object?

// a and b are some objects that implement Runnable
// they both reference the same third object
a.ref = c;
b.ref = c;

// a is run in a thread and processes some data in a loop for a long time
// the method the loop belongs to is declared synchronized
threadA = new Thread(a);

a.someSyncedMethod(); // this would block ...
b.ref.someOtherSyncedMethod(); // ... but would this?
a.ref.someOtherSyncedMethod(); // ... and how about this?
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Hanno Fietz Avatar asked Mar 04 '09 10:03

Hanno Fietz

People also ask

What happens when we have a synchronized method method get locked or the object is locked?

If a thread wants to execute then synchronized method on the given object. First, it has to get a lock-in that object. Once the thread got the lock then it is allowed to execute any synchronized method on that object. Once method execution completes automatically thread releases the lock.

Which object has its lock acquired for the synchronized method?

Locks In Synchronized Methods When a thread invokes a synchronized method, it automatically acquires the intrinsic lock for that method's object and releases it when the method returns. The lock release occurs even if the return was caused by an uncaught exception.

Can a threads access another synchronized methods on an object?

Yes, they can run simultaneously both threads. If you create 2 objects of the class as each object contains only one lock and every synchronized method requires lock.

Can thread access the non synchronized method in a class when another thread hold lock?

Yes. Other methods can access non-synchronized methods.

2 Answers

It's worth separating out the concepts of "a lock" and "locking an object". There's no real idea of "locking an object" - there's "acquiring (and releasing)" the lock associated with an object. Yes, it sounds like I'm nitpicking - but the distinction is important because if you talk about an object being locked it sounds like no other threads will be able to change anything in the object while that lock is held.

Instead, it just means that no other thread will be able to acquire the same lock while the lock is held. There's no direct relationship between the lock and any of the contents of the object that the lock is associated with.

Methods declared "synchronized" acquire the lock associated with the instance of the object they belong to. This only makes other synchronized methods on the same object wait, and synchronized statements that explicitly sync on it.

Personally I don't like synchronized methods - I like to make it clearer by explicitly synchronizing on a (private, final) member variable which is only used for synchronization.

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Jon Skeet Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 08:10

Jon Skeet

a.someSyncedMethod(); // this would block ...

Only if you mark either the run method with synchronized or have ThreadA run code in synchronized methods.

In the JVM, each object owns what's known as a monitor. Only one thread can own the monitor associated with a given object at a time. Synchronized is the means by which you tell the current thread to go get the monitor before continuing.

Also the class itself owns a monitor for static methods.

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Martin OConnor Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 09:10

Martin OConnor