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Check if dates are overlapping and return the maximum count





I've multiple dates with start and end. These dates could be like follows:

d1:      |----------|
d2:            |------|
d3:        |--------------|
d4:                         |----|
d5:   |----|

Now I need to check the maximum count of overlapping dates. So in this example, we got maximum 3 overlapping dates (d1, d2, d3). Consider, that there can be 0 to n dates.

Can you help me with this task? Thank you in advance.


Input: List of Java-Dates with start and end point, for example List, where MyCustomDate contains start and end date

Output: Overlapping dates (as List of MyCustomDate)

Each time span includes a start and end point of type LocalDateTime with hours and seconds.

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Marcel Avatar asked Jan 11 '21 12:01


People also ask

How do you determine overlapping dates?

You can do this by swapping the ranges if necessary up front. Then, you can detect overlap if the second range start is: less than or equal to the first range end (if ranges are inclusive, containing both the start and end times); or. less than (if ranges are inclusive of start and exclusive of end).

How do I calculate overlapping dates in Excel?

To calculate the number of days that overlap in two date ranges, you can use basic date arithmetic, together with the the MIN and MAX functions. Excel dates are just serial numbers, so you can calculate durations by subtracting the earlier date from the later date.

How does Python determine overlapping data?

You can also look for overlapping data in sets by using the . intersection() method on a set and passing another set as an argument. It will return an empty set if nothing matches.

How to check overlapping date/time ranges with Formula 1?

Check overlapping date/time ranges with formula 1. Select the start date cells, go to Name Box to type a name and press Enter key to successfully give this range a ranged name.

How to check if relative date range is overlapping with others?

If the cell displays TRUE, it means the relative date range is overlapping with others, otherwise the data ranges are not overlapping with others. In the formula, A2 and B2 are the date range you want to check, enddate and startdate are the ranged names you gave in above steps. Tip.

How many overlapping date ranges are there in SQL Server?

The first date range has 3 overlapping ranges, described above. The second has 2, range 1 and 3 overlaps range 2. The third has 2 overlapping ranges, range 1 and 2. The fourth range has 1 overlapping date range, range 1. The TRANSPOSE function converts a vertical range to a horizontal range, or vice versa.

How to find the point where maximum intervals overlap?

Find the point where maximum intervals overlap 1 Traverse all intervals and find min and max time (time at which first guest arrives and time at which last guest... 2 Create a count array of size ‘max – min + 1’. Let the array be count []. 3 For each interval [x, y], run a loop for i = x to y and do following in loop.#N#count [i – min]++; More ...

Video Answer

4 Answers

My answer will consider:

  • Given (d3, d5) not overlapping => overlap(d1,d3,d5) = 2 as at a given time only two dates will overlap.
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

class Event {
    LocalDate startDate; // inclusive
    LocalDate endDate; // inclusive

    Event(LocalDate st, LocalDate end) {
        this.startDate = st;
        this.endDate = end;

    // Getters & Setters omitted

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        List<Event> events = new ArrayList<Event>();
        events.add(new Event(LocalDate.of(2019,1,1), LocalDate.of(2019,5,1))); // d1
        events.add(new Event(LocalDate.of(2019,3,1), LocalDate.of(2019,6,1))); // d2
        events.add(new Event(LocalDate.of(2019,2,1), LocalDate.of(2019,7,1))); // d3
        events.add(new Event(LocalDate.of(2019,8,1), LocalDate.of(2019,12,1))); // d4
        // d5 do not overlap d3
        events.add(new Event(LocalDate.of(2018,12,1), LocalDate.of(2019,1,31))); // d5

        Integer startDateOverlaps = events.stream().map(Event::getStartDate).mapToInt(date -> overlap(date, events)).max().orElse(0);
        Integer endDateOverlaps = events.stream().map(Event::getEndDate).mapToInt(date -> overlap(date, events)).max().orElse(0);

        System.out.println(Integer.max(startDateOverlaps, endDateOverlaps));

    public static Integer overlap(LocalDate date, List<Event> events) {
        return events.stream().mapToInt(event -> (! (date.isBefore(event.startDate) || date.isAfter(event.endDate))) ? 1 : 0).sum();

We sum each overlapping date (even itself as otherwise (d1, d2, d3) would only count (d2, d3) for d1 check) and test each startDate & endDate.

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IQbrod Avatar answered Oct 27 '22 00:10


You could simply generate all events between startDate and endDate for each Event (granularity by a day) and compute a Map, where key is LocalDate(as an individual day) and value is the number of times this date was seen:

long l =
                  .flatMap(x -> Stream.iterate(x.getStartDate(), date -> date.plusDays(1))
                        .limit(ChronoUnit.DAYS.between(x.getStartDate(), x.getEndDate().plusDays(1))))
                  .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()))
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Eugene Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10


This Question originally asked for dates. After Answers were posted, the Question was changed to ask for LocalDateTime. I’ll leave this Answer posted, as it (a) answered the Question as originally posted, and (b) might be helpful to others.

The other Answers look interesting and possibly correct. But I find the following code easier to follow and to verify/debug.

Caveat: I do not claim this code is the best, the leanest, nor the fastest. Frankly, my attempt here was just an exercise to push the limits of my own understanding of using Java streams and lambdas.

Do not invent your own class to hold the start/end dates. The ThreeTen-Extra library provides a LocalDateRange class to represent a span-of-time attached to the timeline as a pair of java.time.LocalDate objects. LocalDateRange offers several methods for:

  • Comparison such as abuts and overlaps.
  • Factory methods such as union and intersection.

We can define the inputs using the convenient List.of methods in Java 9 and later, to make an unmodifiable list of LocalDateRange.

List < LocalDateRange > dateRanges =
                LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2019 , 1 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 5 , 1 ) ) ,
                LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2019 , 3 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 6 , 1 ) ) ,
                LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2019 , 2 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 7 , 1 ) ) ,
                LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2019 , 8 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 12 , 1 ) ) , // Not connected to the others.
                LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2018 , 12 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 1 , 31 ) )  // Earlier start, in previous year.

Determine the overall range of dates involved, the very first start and the very last end.

Keep in mind that we are dealing with a list of date-ranges (LocalDateRange), each of which holds a pair of date (LocalDate) objects. The comparator is comparing the starting/ending LocalDate object stored within each LocalDateRange, to get min or max. The get method seen here is getting a LocalDateRange, so we then call getStart/getEnd to retrieve the starting/ending LocalDate stored within.

LocalDate start = dateRanges.stream().min( Comparator.comparing( localDateRange -> localDateRange.getStart() ) ).get().getStart();
LocalDate end = dateRanges.stream().max( Comparator.comparing( localDateRange -> localDateRange.getEnd() ) ).get().getEnd();

Make a list of all the dates within that interval. The LocalDate#datesUntil method generates a stream of LocalDate objects found between a start and end pair of dates. Start is inclusive, while the ending is exclusive.

List < LocalDate > dates =
                .datesUntil( end )
                .collect( Collectors.toList() );

For each of those dates, get a list of the date-ranges containing that date.

Map < LocalDate, List < LocalDateRange > > mapDateToListOfDateRanges = new TreeMap <>();
for ( LocalDate date : dates )
    List < LocalDateRange > hits = dateRanges.stream().filter( range -> range.contains( date ) ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
    System.out.println( date + " ➡ " + hits );  // Visually interesting to see on the console.
    mapDateToListOfDateRanges.put( date , hits );

For each of those dates, get a count of date-ranges containing that date. We want a count of each List we put into the map above. Generating a new map whose values are the count of a collection in an original map is discussed on my Question, Report on a multimap by producing a new map of each key mapped to the count of elements in its collection value, where I pulled code from Answer by Syco.

Map < LocalDate, Integer > mapDateToCountOfDateRanges =
                                ( Map.Entry < LocalDate, List < LocalDateRange > > e ) -> { return e.getKey(); } ,
                                ( Map.Entry < LocalDate, List < LocalDateRange > > e ) -> { return e.getValue().size(); } ,
                                ( o1 , o2 ) -> o1 ,
                                TreeMap :: new

Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to get a stream to filter more than one entry in a map by maximum value. See: Using Java8 Stream to find the highest values from map.

So first we find the maximum number in a value for one or more entries of our map.

Integer max = mapDateToCountOfDateRanges.values().stream().max( Comparator.naturalOrder() ).get();

Then we filter for only entries with a value of that number, moving those entries to a new map.

Map < LocalDate, Integer > mapDateToCountOfDateRangesFilteredByHighestCount =
                .filter( e -> e.getValue() == max )
                                Map.Entry :: getKey ,
                                Map.Entry :: getValue ,
                                ( o1 , o2 ) -> o1 ,
                                TreeMap :: new

Dump to console.

System.out.println( "dateRanges = " + dateRanges );
System.out.println( "start/end = " + LocalDateRange.of( start , end ).toString() );
System.out.println( "mapDateToListOfDateRanges = " + mapDateToListOfDateRanges );
System.out.println( "mapDateToCountOfDateRanges = " + mapDateToCountOfDateRanges );
System.out.println( "mapDateToCountOfDateRangesFilteredByHighestCount = " + mapDateToCountOfDateRangesFilteredByHighestCount );

Short results.

[Caveat: I have not manually verified these results. Use this code at your own risk, and do your own verification.]

mapDateToCountOfDateRangesFilteredByHighestCount = {2019-03-01=3, 2019-03-02=3, 2019-03-03=3, 2019-03-04=3, 2019-03-05=3, 2019-03-06=3, 2019-03-07=3, 2019-03-08=3, 2019-03-09=3, 2019-03-10=3, 2019-03-11=3, 2019-03-12=3, 2019-03-13=3, 2019-03-14=3, 2019-03-15=3, 2019-03-16=3, 2019-03-17=3, 2019-03-18=3, 2019-03-19=3, 2019-03-20=3, 2019-03-21=3, 2019-03-22=3, 2019-03-23=3, 2019-03-24=3, 2019-03-25=3, 2019-03-26=3, 2019-03-27=3, 2019-03-28=3, 2019-03-29=3, 2019-03-30=3, 2019-03-31=3, 2019-04-01=3, 2019-04-02=3, 2019-04-03=3, 2019-04-04=3, 2019-04-05=3, 2019-04-06=3, 2019-04-07=3, 2019-04-08=3, 2019-04-09=3, 2019-04-10=3, 2019-04-11=3, 2019-04-12=3, 2019-04-13=3, 2019-04-14=3, 2019-04-15=3, 2019-04-16=3, 2019-04-17=3, 2019-04-18=3, 2019-04-19=3, 2019-04-20=3, 2019-04-21=3, 2019-04-22=3, 2019-04-23=3, 2019-04-24=3, 2019-04-25=3, 2019-04-26=3, 2019-04-27=3, 2019-04-28=3, 2019-04-29=3, 2019-04-30=3}

Full code

For your copy-paste convenience, here is an entire class to run this example code.

package work.basil.example;

import org.threeten.extra.LocalDateRange;

import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;

public class DateRanger
    public static void main ( String[] args )
        DateRanger app = new DateRanger();

    private void demo ( )
        // Input.
        List < LocalDateRange > dateRanges =
                        LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2019 , 1 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 5 , 1 ) ) ,
                        LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2019 , 3 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 6 , 1 ) ) ,
                        LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2019 , 2 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 7 , 1 ) ) ,
                        LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2019 , 8 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 12 , 1 ) ) , // Not connected to the others.
                        LocalDateRange.of( LocalDate.of( 2018 , 12 , 1 ) , LocalDate.of( 2019 , 1 , 31 ) )  // Earlier start, in previous year.

        // Determine first start and last end.
        LocalDate start = dateRanges.stream().min( Comparator.comparing( localDateRange -> localDateRange.getStart() ) ).get().getStart();
        LocalDate end = dateRanges.stream().max( Comparator.comparing( localDateRange -> localDateRange.getEnd() ) ).get().getEnd();
        List < LocalDate > dates =
                        .datesUntil( end )
                        .collect( Collectors.toList() );

        // For each date, get a list of the date-dateRanges containing that date.
        Map < LocalDate, List < LocalDateRange > > mapDateToListOfDateRanges = new TreeMap <>();
        for ( LocalDate date : dates )
            List < LocalDateRange > hits = dateRanges.stream().filter( range -> range.contains( date ) ).collect( Collectors.toList() );
            System.out.println( date + " ➡ " + hits );  // Visually interesting to see on the console.
            mapDateToListOfDateRanges.put( date , hits );

        // For each of those dates, get a count of date-ranges containing that date.
        Map < LocalDate, Integer > mapDateToCountOfDateRanges =
                                        ( Map.Entry < LocalDate, List < LocalDateRange > > e ) -> { return e.getKey(); } ,
                                        ( Map.Entry < LocalDate, List < LocalDateRange > > e ) -> { return e.getValue().size(); } ,
                                        ( o1 , o2 ) -> o1 ,
                                        TreeMap :: new

        // Unfortunately, there seems to be no way to get a stream to filter more than one entry in a map by maximum value.
        // So first we find the maximum number in a value for one or more entries of our map.
        Integer max = mapDateToCountOfDateRanges.values().stream().max( Comparator.naturalOrder() ).get();
        // Then we filter for only entries with a value of that number, moving those entries to a new map.
        Map < LocalDate, Integer > mapDateToCountOfDateRangesFilteredByHighestCount =
                        .filter( e -> e.getValue() == max )
                                        Map.Entry :: getKey ,
                                        Map.Entry :: getValue ,
                                        ( o1 , o2 ) -> o1 ,
                                        TreeMap :: new

        System.out.println( "dateRanges = " + dateRanges );
        System.out.println( "start/end = " + LocalDateRange.of( start , end ).toString() );
        System.out.println( "mapDateToListOfDateRanges = " + mapDateToListOfDateRanges );
        System.out.println( "mapDateToCountOfDateRanges = " + mapDateToCountOfDateRanges );
        System.out.println( "mapDateToCountOfDateRangesFilteredByHighestCount = " + mapDateToCountOfDateRangesFilteredByHighestCount );
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Basil Bourque Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 23:10

Basil Bourque

The other 2 answers that exist at this time are both O(n2), doing a Cartesian Join of all the events. This answer shows an alternative approach with a O(n log n) time complexity.

What we do is that we build an ordered list of dates, and register for each date how many ranges starts and ends on that date. It can be stored as a single number, e.g. if a range ends (-1) and 3 ranges start (+3), the delta for the date is +2.

Basically, each event is actually 2 events, a start event and an end event.

Then we iterate the list, in date order, updating a running total, and remember the max running total.

There are a couple of ways to code that. I'm gonna use regular loops, not streams, and since question says that each date has a start and end point down to milliseconds, we'll go with an DateRange object with two Instant fields.

static int maxRangeOverlaps(List<DateRange> ranges) {
    Map<Instant, Delta> dateDelta = new TreeMap<>();
    for (DateRange range : ranges) {
        dateDelta.computeIfAbsent(range.getStart(), k -> new Delta()).value++;
        dateDelta.computeIfAbsent(range.getEnd(), k -> new Delta()).value--;
    int total = 0, max = 0;
    for (Delta delta : dateDelta.values())
        if ((total += delta.value) > max)
            max = total;
    return max;
public final class DateRange {
    private final Instant start; // inclusive
    private final Instant end; // exclusive

    // Constructor and getter methods here
final class Delta {
    public int value;


//       ....:....1....:....2....:....3
// d1:      |----------|
// d2:            |------|
// d3:        |--------------|
// d4:                         |----|
// d5:   |----|
List<DateRange> ranges = Arrays.asList(
        new DateRange(LocalDate.of(2021,1, 4), LocalDate.of(2021,1,15)),
        new DateRange(LocalDate.of(2021,1,10), LocalDate.of(2021,1,17)),
        new DateRange(LocalDate.of(2021,1, 6), LocalDate.of(2021,1,21)),
        new DateRange(LocalDate.of(2021,1,23), LocalDate.of(2021,1,28)),
        new DateRange(LocalDate.of(2021,1, 1), LocalDate.of(2021,1, 6)));

System.out.println(maxRangeOverlaps(ranges)); // prints 3

The above test was simplified to use LocalDate instead of Instant, by adding a helper constructor:

public DateRange(LocalDate start, LocalDate end) {
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Andreas Avatar answered Oct 26 '22 22:10
