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How can I convert a org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime to java.time.OffsetDateTime?

I'm using a client library (third party, not mine, cannot change) which utilizes the ThreeTen date types. My project is Java 11 and uses Java 8 date types. What is the recommended way to convert ThreeTeen objects to their Java 8 counterparts?

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Fredrik Rambris Avatar asked Jan 21 '20 14:01

Fredrik Rambris

3 Answers

There seems to be no built-in way to convert one instance to the other.

I think you have write your own converters, like one of the following:

Part-by-part conversion:

public static java.time.OffsetDateTime convertFrom(org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime ttOdt) {
    // convert the instance part by part...
    return java.time.OffsetDateTime.of(ttOdt.getYear(), ttOdt.getMonthValue(),
            ttOdt.getDayOfMonth(), ttOdt.getHour(), ttOdt.getMinute(),
            ttOdt.getSecond(), ttOdt.getNano(),
            // ZoneOffset isn't compatible, create one using the seconds of the given

Parsing the formatted output of the other instance:

public static java.time.OffsetDateTime convertFrom(org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime ttOdt) {
    // convert the instance by parsing the formatted output of the given instance
    return java.time.OffsetDateTime.parse(

Haven't tested which one is more efficient...

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deHaar Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09


It may seem that this need has not been foreseen in the design. No really good and natural option exists for this seemingly simple requirement.

I like to have something to choose from. deHaar has already provided two options that are as good as we can get. So just as a supplement here’s a third one: convert via seconds and nanoseconds since the epoch and total offset seconds.

    org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime fromThirdParty
            = org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime.of(2020, 1, 25, 23, 34, 56, 123456789,

    java.time.Instant jtInstant = java.time.Instant
            .ofEpochSecond(fromThirdParty.toEpochSecond(), fromThirdParty.getNano());
    java.time.ZoneOffset jtOffset = java.time.ZoneOffset.ofTotalSeconds(
    java.time.OffsetDateTime converted
            = java.time.OffsetDateTime.ofInstant(jtInstant, jtOffset);

    System.out.println("From " + fromThirdParty);
    System.out.println("To   " + converted);

Output from this snippet is:

From 2020-01-25T23:34:56.123456789+01:00
To   2020-01-25T23:34:56.123456789+01:00

Possible advantages include: We are transferring 3 numerical fields (vs 7 in deHaar’s first conversion), thus reducing the risk of transferring a wrong value by error. And we still avoid formatting into a string and parsing back (which feels like a waste to me but is nice and short).

And please wrap it into a method with a nice name like deHaar has done.

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Ole V.V. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 10:09

Ole V.V.

Actually conversion is simple using parse. I was looking for a solution and landed on this thread. Upon inspection I figured there is an easy way so posted here.

java.time.OffsetDateTime odt = java.time.OffsetDateTime.now();
org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime ODT = org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime.parse(odt.toString());

Similarly to convert vice versa

org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime ODT = org.threeten.bp.OffsetDateTime.now();
java.time.OffsetDateTime odt = java.time.OffsetDateTime.parse(ODT.toString());
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Prasad Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 09:09
