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Java: How will JVM optimise the call to a void and empty function?





Let's imagine we have the following classes:

public class Message extends Object {}

public class Logger implements ILogger {
 public void log(Message m) {/*empty*/}

and the following program:

public static void main(String args[]) {
  ILogger l = new Logger();
  l.log((Message)null); // a)
  l.log(new Message()); // b)

Will the Java compiler strip out statements a and b ? In both cases (stripping or not stripping), what is the rationale behind the Java compiler's decision ?

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David Andreoletti Avatar asked Jan 08 '13 02:01

David Andreoletti

2 Answers

Will the Java compiler strip out statements a and b ?

The javac (source to bytecode) compiler won't strip either call. (It is easy to check this by examining the bytecodes; e.g. looking at the javap -c output.)

In both cases (stripping or not stripping), what is the rationale behind the Java compiler's decision ?

Conformance with the JLS :-).

From a pragmatic perspective:

  • If the javac compiler optimized the calls away, a Java debugger wouldn't be able to see them at all ... which would be rather confusing for the developer.
  • Early optimization (by javac) would result in breakage if the Message class and the main class were compiled / modified independently. For example, consider this sequence:

    • Message is compiled,
    • the main class is compiled,
    • Message is edited so that log does something ... and recompiled.

    Now we have an incorrectly compiled main class that doesn't do the right thing at a and b because the prematurely inlined code is out of date.

However, the JIT compiler might optimize the code at runtime in a variety of ways. For instance:

  • The method calls in a and b may be inlined if the JIT compiler can deduce that no virtual method dispatching is required. (If Logger is the only class used by the application that implements ILogger this a no-brainer for a good JIT compiler.)

  • After inlining the first method call, the JIT compiler may determine that the body is a noop and optimize the call away.

  • In the case of the second method call, the JIT compiler could further deduce (by escape analysis) that the Message object doesn't need to be allocated on the heap ... or indeed at all.

(If you want to know what the JIT compiler (on your platform) actually does, Hotspot JVMs have a JVM option that dumps out the JIT-compiled native code for selected methods.)

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Stephen C Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Stephen C

Disassembling the following file (with javap -c) suggests they are not stripped out by the 1.7.0 compiler when compiling down to bytecode:

public class Program
    public static class Message extends Object {}

    public interface ILogger {
        void log(Message m);

    public static class Logger implements ILogger {
        public void log(Message m) { /* empty */ }

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ILogger l = new Logger();
        l.log((Message)null); // a)
        l.log(new Message()); // b)

The result is below. The key bits are the invokes on lines 13 and 26.

Compiled from "Program.java"
public class Program {
  public Program();
       0: aload_0
       1: invokespecial #1                  // Method java/lang/Object."<init>":()V
       4: return

  public static void main(java.lang.String[]);
       0: new           #2                  // class Program$Logger
       3: dup
       4: invokespecial #3                  // Method Program$Logger."<init>":()V
       7: astore_1
       8: aload_1
       9: aconst_null
      10: checkcast     #4                  // class Program$Message
      13: invokeinterface #5,  2            // InterfaceMethod Program$ILogger.log:(LProgram$Message;)V
      18: aload_1
      19: new           #4                  // class Program$Message
      22: dup
      23: invokespecial #6                  // Method Program$Message."<init>":()V
      26: invokeinterface #5,  2            // InterfaceMethod Program$ILogger.log:(LProgram$Message;)V
      31: return

EDIT: However, as @mikera pointed out, it's likely that the JIT compiler will do further optimizations when the program runs, which may be able to eliminate the calls. I don't know enough about the details to comment on that unfortunately.

SIDE NOTE: You might be interested in this link, which deals with performance techniques used by the Hotspot JVM:


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Stuart Golodetz Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 02:10

Stuart Golodetz