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Eclipse: Show author of each line in editor?

I'd like to show the name of the author of each line in my Java files. I am already using FishEye (http://www.atlassian.com/software/fisheye/) but I'd like to have this feature within my Eclipse Java editor.

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kiwifrog Avatar asked Jul 07 '11 13:07


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1 Answers

There is a similar feature in Eclipse: select Team / Show Annotation... in the right click menu on a Java file. It should work with various team providers (I only have experiences with CSV and SVN).

Short description of this feature is available here.

UPDATE: for the Eclipse EGit team provider, the corresponding menu is called Team / Show revision information. See more information in the excellent EGit User Guide.

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Csaba_H Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09
