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Java - Gherkin & Cucumber: Pass an object or list of objects on a vertical table instead of horizontal

I have the following sample gherkin scenario on my feature file:

Scenario: Book an FX Trade
 Given trades with the following details are created:
   |buyCcy |sellCcy |amount   |date       |
   |EUR    |USD     |12345.67 |23-11-2017 |
   |GBP    |EUR     |67890.12 |24-11-2017 |
 When the trades are executed
 Then the trades are confirmed

In my glue file, I can map the data table to an object Trade as an out of the box cucumber solution:

@When("^trades with the following details are created:$")
public void trades_with_the_following_details_are_created(List<Trade> arg1) throws Throwable {
        //do something with arg1

What I want to achieve:
Improve the readability of my gherkin scenario by doing the following:

  • Transpose the data table vertically, This will improve readability if my object has around 10 fields
  • Replace fields / column names with aliases


    Scenario: Book an FX Trade
     Given trades with the following details are created:
       |Buy Currency  | EUR        | GBP        |
       |Sell Currency | USD        | EUR        |
       |Amount        | 12345.67   | 67890.12   |
       |Date          | 23-11-2017 | 24-11-2017 |
     When the trades are executed
     Then the trades are confirmed

    I want the table to be dynamic in a way that it can have more or less than 2 data sets / columns. What would be the best way to achieve this?

    Additional info:
    Language: Java 8
    Cucumber version: 1.2.5

    Trade POJO being something like:

    public class Trade {
        private String buyCcy;
        private String sellCcy;
        private String amount;
        private String date;
         * These fields are growing and may have around 10 or more....
         * private String tradeType;
         * private String company;
        public Trade() {
         * accessors here....
  • like image 622
    iamkenos Avatar asked Nov 23 '17 03:11


    People also ask

    What is gherkin in Java?

    As we have learned in the cucumber testing, feature files are created with the executable test scripts. The language, in which these executable test scripts are written, is known as Gherkin language. Basically, Gherkin is a plain English text language used to interpret and execute the test scripts.

    Can Cucumber be used with Java?

    Cucumber itself is written in Ruby, but it can be used to “test” code written in Ruby or other languages including but not limited to Java, C# and Python.

    Why Cucumber is used in Java?

    Cucumber is a widely used tool for Behaviour Driven Development because it provides an easily understandable testing script for system acceptance and automation testing. Our Cucumber testing tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Cucumber testing.

    What is gherkin programming?

    Gherkin is a programming language used by Cucumber developers to define tests that allows product teams to describe needs for new products. Every feature in Gherkin is specified in a. feature file and adheres to a strict syntax.

    1 Answers

    If the table is specified in your feature file as

    |buyCcy  | EUR        | GBP        |
    |sellCcy | USD        | EUR        |
    |amount  | 12345.67   | 67890.12   |
    |date    | 23-11-2017 | 24-11-2017 |

    you can use the following glue code (with your posted Trade class, assuming that there is a proper toString() method implemented)

    @Given("^trades with the following details are created:$")
    public void tradeWithTheFollowingDetailsAreCreated(DataTable dataTable) throws Exception {
        // transpose - transposes the table from the feature file
        // asList - creates a `List<Trade>`
        List<Trade> list = dataTable.transpose().asList(Trade.class);


    Trade{buyCcy=EUR, sellCcy=USD, amount=12345.67, date=23-11-2017}
    Trade{buyCcy=GBP, sellCcy=EUR, amount=67890.12, date=24-11-2017}
    like image 176
    SubOptimal Avatar answered Oct 02 '22 16:10
