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Java CompareTO with double Values



I need to be able to rearrange a group of people from their overall fitness score. I am able to do a compareTO method with ints but as soon as its with doubles I get errors flying up everywhere.

public double compareTo(FitnessScore o){
    return (this.overall-o.overall);

It needs to be a double because there are scores like:

68.5 68.4 60.1 60.3

So casting them to an int would make it redundant. When I did have it as an int to see if it would work. I tried the following. (subjects being the array that I initialized to hold all the different instances of people)


I get the following error:


Any suggestions?

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Softey Avatar asked Mar 14 '14 12:03


2 Answers

Your compareTo must alaways return an int value.

-1 for placing it before in Collection
0 indicates same value already exists in Collection
+1 for placing it afterwards in Collection

If overall is of type Double, use this:

public int compareTo(FitnessScore o){
    return this.overall.compareTo(o.overall));

If overall is of type double, use this:

public int compareTo(FitnessScore o){
          return -1;
    else if(o.overall<this.overall)
          return 1;
    return 0;

And for your NullPointerException, check that your subjects is not null.

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Aditya Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 00:09


You are breaking the signature of compareTo method. It should look like below,

public int compareTo(FitnessScore o){
    return Double.compare(this.overall-o.overall);
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Nagaraja G Devadiga Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 00:09

Nagaraja G Devadiga