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Java compareTo method beginner level

I have an assignment where I need to create a Student class where you store the student's neptun code (String nep_c) and the number of points you have achieved in the exam (int point_num). Prepare a public int getMark () method that returns the ticket obtained to the exam as a function of the score according to the following table:

  • between 100 and 90- > 5;
  • between 90 and 80 -> 4;
  • between 80 and 70 -> 3
  • between 70 and 60 -> 2
  • < 60 -> 1

The class implements the Comparable interface and the compareTo () method sort the students based on the neptun code. Within it, by the number of mark you get. Unfortunately I don't understand comperTo method. Can you help me how can I write the correct code?

public class Student implements Comparable{

private String nep_c;
private int point_num;
private int Mark;

public Student(int point_num, String nep_c) {
    this.point_num = 65;
    this.nep_c= "AAA1BB1";

public int getMark(){
    if (point_num <= 100 && point_num > 90)
    Mark = 5;
    else if (point_num <= 90 && point_num > 80)
    Mark = 4;
    else if (point_num <= 80 && point_num > 70)
    Mark = 3;
    else if (point_num <= 70 && point_num > 60)
    Mark = 2;
    else if (point_num <= 60)
    Mark = 1;
        return 0;
    return Mark;

public String getNep_c(){
    return nep_c;

public int getPoint_num(){
    return point_num;

public int compareTo (Object o){
    return ???;


like image 798
Kicsi7 Avatar asked Jan 03 '19 12:01


3 Answers

sort the students based on the neptun code

Two parts. Part one, change

implements Comparable


implements Comparable<Student>

And then

public int compareTo(Student o) {
    return this.nep_c.compareTo(o.nep_c);

However, you then say Within it, by the number of mark you get. so perhaps you really want

public int compareTo(Student o) {
    return Integer.compare(getMark(), o.getMark());

If you mean to sort by neptun code, and use mark(s) as a tie-breaker then you could do something like

int c = this.nep_c.compareTo(o.nep_c);
if (c != 0) {
    return c;
return Integer.compare(getMark(), o.getMark());

Or, in Java 8+, using Comparator.comparing like

return Comparator.comparing(Student::getNep_c)
        .thenComparingInt(Student::getMark).compare(this, o);
like image 129
Elliott Frisch Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Elliott Frisch

compareTo gets Object because you implement Comparable, rather than generic Comparable<Student>. That is why it is hard to see what needs to be done.

Change your code as follows:

public class Student implements Comparable<Student> {
    public int compareTo(Student other) {

Now inside the implementation compare nep_c of this student to other.nep_c. If these two are not equal, return the result of comparison; otherwise return the result of comparing the marks.

Note: There is an issue with your getMark method: it returns 1 for students with 60 points when it should return 2, and it also assigns private Mark field which could be converted to a local variable.

like image 2
Sergey Kalinichenko Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Sergey Kalinichenko

The compareTo method on a Comparable takes a value to which it compares the current object, and should return:

  • -1 if the current object comes before the other object (any negative integer can be used),
  • 0 if the two objects are equal,
  • 1 if the current object comes after the other object (any positive integer can be used).

If you want to compare two objects by two different fields, you would do the following (make sure to implement Comparable<Student>):

public int compareTo(Student other) {
    final int comparedNepCode = nep_c.compareTo(other.nep_c);
    if (comparedNepCode == 0) {
        return Integer.compare(getMark(), other.getMark());
    return comparedNepCode;

When comparing numbers, subtracting the other from the current one gives an ascending order, so:

  • x < y <=> x - y < 0
  • x = y <=> x - y = 0
  • x > y <=> x - y > 0
like image 2
Billy Brown Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 17:10

Billy Brown