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Java call stack inspection and manipulation

My question is: is it possible (in ANY way) to analyze and modify call stack (both content of frames and stack content) in runtime?

I'm looking for any possibility - low-level, unsafe or internal API, possibility to write C extension, etc. Only constraint: it should be usable in standard runtime, without debugging or profiling mode. This is the point where I'm doing research "is it possible at all?", not "is it good idea?".

I'd like to gather all local data from a frame, store it somewhere, and then remove that frame from stack, with possibility of restoring it later. Effectively that gives us continuations in JVM, and they will allow fast async frameworks (like gevents from python) and generator constructs (like those from python) to come up.

This may look like repeated question, but I've only found questions that were answered with "use Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace()" or "that should be done with debugging tools". There was similiar question to mine, but it was only answered in context of what asking guy wanted to do (work on async computations), while I need more general (java-stack oriented) answer. This question is similiar too, but as before, it is focused on parallelization, and answers are focused on that too.

I repeat: this is research step in process of coming up with new language feature proposal. I don't wanna risk corrupting anything in JVM - I'm looking for possibility, then I'm gonna analyse possible risks and look out for them. I know that manipulating stack by hand is ugly, but so is creating instances with ommiting consrtuctor - and it is basis for objenesis. Dirty hacks may be dirty, but they may help introducing something cool.

PS. I know that Quasar and Lightwolf exist, but, as above, those are concurrency-focused frameworks.


Little clarification: I'm looking for something that will be compatible with future JVM and libraries versions. Preferably we're talking about something that is considered stable public API, but if the solution lies in something internal, yet almost standard or becoming standard after being internal (like sun.misc.Unsafe) - that will do too. If it is doable by C-extension using only C JVM API - that's ok. If that is doable with bytecode manipulation - that's ok too (I think that MAY be possible with ASM).

like image 954
Filip Malczak Avatar asked May 09 '15 09:05

Filip Malczak

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1 Answers

I think there is a way achieving what you want using JVMTI.

Although you cannot directly do what you want (as stated in a comment above), you may instrument/redefine methods (or entire classes) at run time. So you could just define every method to call another method directly to "restore execution context" and as soon as you have the stack you want, redefine them with your original code.

For example: lets say you want to restore a stack where just A called B and B called C. When A is loaded, change the code to directly call B. As soon as B is loaded, redefine it to directly call C; Call the topmost method (A); As soon as C gets called (which should be very fast now), redefine A and B to their original code.

If there are multiple threads involved and parameter values that must be restored, it gets a little more complicated, but still doable with JVMTI. However, this would then be worth another question ;-).

Hope this helps. Feel free to contact me or comment if you need clarification on anything.

EDIT: Although I think it IS doable, I also think this is a lot (!!!) of work, especially when you want to restore parameters, local variables, and calling contexts (like this pointers, held locks, ...).

EDIT as requested: Assume the same stack as above (A calling B calling C). Although A, B, and C have arbitrary code inside them, just redfine them like this:

void A() { B(); } void B() { C(); } void C() { redefine(); }

As soon as you reach the redefine method, redefine all classes with their original code. Then you have the stack you want.

like image 129
loonytune Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 02:10
