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Trying to shoot a bullet in a 3D world. Experiencing an odd offset in x and z





Alright, so I am using Bukkit API (Minecraft), which should not be too much of a problem in this as it is used minimally. So a Location contains world, x, y, z, yaw and pitch. This may come in handy, but I doubt it.

My problem is that I go to shoot using the Shot class (below), and there appears to be a +-5 difference in either one when approximately 3 blocks away, and the HitBox is instantiated about 5 blocks away (this could be the issue (move/rotate methods)). I have tried working this out on paper, and have used half a notepad doing so, but I am not yet able to figure out a solution. What I need is someone who understands trigonometry and java well, so they can help out.

Other information that may be of use:

  • +z is 0 degrees yaw, -x is 90 degrees, -z is 180, and +x is 270.
  • The variables seem to be incorrect sporadically, and under certain circumstances they work correctly and constitute a hit.
  • The Location (from) parameter in the Shot constructor is of the player's location in the world, therefore from is not (0, 0, 0).
  • ShotData should not affect any values, as wind speed and wind direction in my case are 0 (if there is a problem with the math involving this though, feel free to let me know, haha)
  • Pitch appears to be fine, although +y is -90, and -y is 90 (weird right?)

So my question is... Where is the problem, and how do I fix it? I am sorry that it is such a general question and that it is a very common one, but this is one of those times when it is truly necessary. I tried to remove all unnecessary code, but you can remove more if needed. Also, if you want to see anything else that may be referenced in here, I can get that for you.


private final Location from;
private ShotData data;

public Shot(Location from, ShotData data) {
    this.from = from;
    this.data = data;

// TODO - Checking for obstacles
public List<Hit> shoot(List<HitBox> hitBoxes) {
    List<Hit> hits = new ArrayList<Hit>();
    for (HitBox hitBox : hitBoxes) {
        float fromYaw = from.getYaw() % 360;
        float fromPitch = from.getPitch() % 360;
        // making sure the center location is within range
        if (hitBox.getCenter().distanceSquared(from) > Math.pow(data.getDistanceToTravel(), 2)) {
        /* TODO Only allow hits on parts of the rectangle that are within range,
         * not just the whole thing if the center is within range. */
        // accounting for wind speed/direction
        float windCompassDirection = data.getWindCompassDirection(from.getWorld());
        float windSpeed = data.getWindSpeedMPH(from.getWorld());
        fromYaw += (windCompassDirection > fromYaw ? 1 : windCompassDirection < fromYaw ? -1 : 0) * windSpeed;
        fromYaw %= 360;
        int[] orderClockwise = new int[] {0, 1, 4, 3};
        Location thisSideCorner = hitBox.getCorner(0);
        Location oppositeSideCorner = hitBox.getCorner(0);
        for (int i = 0; i < orderClockwise.length; i++) {
            int num = orderClockwise[i];
            Location corner = hitBox.getCorner(num);
            Location clockwise = hitBox.getCorner(orderClockwise[(i + 1) % 3]);
            if ((Math.atan2(from.getZ() - corner.getZ(), from.getX() - corner.getX()) * 180 / Math.PI) > 0 && corner.distanceSquared(from) < clockwise.distanceSquared(from)) {
                thisSideCorner = corner;
                int exitCornerClockwiseAmount = (Math.atan2(from.getZ() - clockwise.getZ(), from.getX() - clockwise.getX()) * 180 / Math.PI) < 0 ? 2 : 3;
                oppositeSideCorner = hitBox.getCorner((i + exitCornerClockwiseAmount) % 3);
        Location entrance = getProjectileLocation(thisSideCorner, data, hitBox, fromYaw, fromPitch);
        double distance = entrance.distance(from);
        double deltaX = data.getDeltaX(distance, fromYaw);
        double deltaY = data.getDeltaY(distance, fromPitch);
        double deltaZ = data.getDeltaZ(distance, fromYaw);
        entrance.add(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ);
        Location exit = getProjectileLocation(oppositeSideCorner, data, hitBox, deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ, fromYaw, fromPitch);
        // hit detection and reaction
        boolean hitX = entrance.getX() <= hitBox.getHighestX() && entrance.getX() >= hitBox.getLowestX();
        boolean hitY = entrance.getY() <= hitBox.getHighestY() && entrance.getY() >= hitBox.getLowestY();
        boolean hitZ = entrance.getZ() <= hitBox.getHighestZ() && entrance.getZ() >= hitBox.getLowestZ();
        if (hitX && hitY && hitZ) {
            hits.add(new Hit(from, entrance, exit, hitBox, data));
    return hits;

private Location getProjectileLocation(Location thisSideCorner, ShotData data, HitBox hitBox, float fromYaw, float fromPitch) {
    return getProjectileLocation(thisSideCorner, data, hitBox, 0, 0, 0, fromYaw, fromPitch);

private Location getProjectileLocation(Location thisSideCorner, ShotData data, HitBox hitBox, double addX, double addY, double addZ, float fromYaw, float fromPitch) {
    double deltaFromToSideCornerX = thisSideCorner.getX() - from.getX();
    double deltaFromToSideCornerY = thisSideCorner.getY() - from.getY();
    double deltaFromToSideCornerZ = thisSideCorner.getZ() - from.getZ();
    double xzDistFromSideCorner = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(deltaFromToSideCornerX, 2) + Math.pow(deltaFromToSideCornerZ, 2));
    double yawToSideCorner = Math.atan2(deltaFromToSideCornerX, deltaFromToSideCornerZ) * 180 / Math.PI;// flipped x and z from normal
    double theta1 = yawToSideCorner - fromYaw;
    double theta2 = yawToSideCorner - theta1;
    double outerAngle = 180 - yawToSideCorner - 90;// previously theta1
    double outerAngleInShotCone = outerAngle + 90 + hitBox.getYawRotation();
    double lastAngleInShotCone = 180 - theta1 - outerAngleInShotCone;
    double xzDistanceFromHit = (xzDistFromSideCorner * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(outerAngleInShotCone))) / Math.sin(Math.toRadians(lastAngleInShotCone));
    double deltaX = xzDistanceFromHit * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta2));// leaves out sin 90 because its just equal to 1...
    double deltaZ = xzDistanceFromHit * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(90 - theta2));// leaves out sin 90 because its just equal to 1...
    double xyzDistFromSideCorner = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xzDistFromSideCorner, 2) + Math.pow(deltaFromToSideCornerY, 2));
    double theta3 = Math.atan2(Math.abs(deltaFromToSideCornerY), xzDistFromSideCorner) * 180 / Math.PI;
    double theta4 = Math.abs(fromPitch) - theta3;
    double theta5 = 90 + theta3;
    double theta6 = 180 - theta4 - theta5;
    double hitDistance = (xyzDistFromSideCorner * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta5))) / Math.sin(Math.toRadians(theta6));
    double deltaY = hitDistance * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(Math.abs(fromPitch)));// leaves out sin 90 because its just equal to 1...
    if (deltaFromToSideCornerX < 0 && deltaX > 0) {
        deltaX *= -1;
    if (fromPitch > 0 && deltaY > 0) {// pitch in minecraft is backwards, normally it would be fromPitch < 0
        deltaY *= -1;
    if (deltaFromToSideCornerZ < 0 && deltaZ > 0) {
        deltaZ *= -1;
    Location hit = from.clone().add(deltaX + addX, deltaY + addY, deltaZ + addZ);
    return hit;


private float yawRotation;
private double x, y, z;
private double[][] additions;
private Location center;
private Location[] corners = new Location[8];
private List<DataZone> dataZones = new ArrayList<DataZone>();
private UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID();

 * O = origin
 * X = x-axis
 * Y = y-axis
 * Z = z-axis
 * C = center
 *    ---------------------
 *   /                   /|
 *  /                   / |
 * Y--------------------  |
 * |                90 |  |     0 yaw
 * |   ^               |  |    /
 * |   |               |  |
 * |   |               |  |  /
 * | HEIGHT    C       |  |
 * |   |               |  |/
 * |   |               |  Z
 * |   v               | /
 * |   <---WIDTH--->   |/<---LENGTH
 * O-------------------X - - - - - - - - - -270 yaw

 * An invisible box in the world that can be hit with a shot.
 * Additionally, {@link DataZone} instances can be added to this, 
 * allowing for different damage and thickness on an area of the box.
 * @param center The center of the hit box
 * @param length The length (z axis) of the hit box
 * @param width The width (x axis) of the hit box
 * @param height The height (y axis) of the hit box
 * @param yawRotation The rotation around the center of the origin (or any other point)
public HitBox(Location center, double length, double width, double height, float yawRotation) {  
    corners[0] = center.clone().add(-1 * width / 2, -1 * height / 2, -1 * length / 2);
    this.center = center;
    this.x = width;
    this.y = height;
    this.z = length;
public Location[] getCorners() {
    return corners;

public Location getCorner(int corner) {
    return corners[corner];

public Location getOrigin() {
    return corners[0];

public void update() {};

public boolean isZoneOpen(DataZone zone) {
    for (DataZone placed : dataZones) {
        boolean Xs = overlap_1D(placed.xFrom, placed.xTo, zone.xFrom, zone.xTo);
        boolean Ys = overlap_1D(placed.yFrom, placed.yTo, zone.yFrom, zone.yTo);
        boolean Zs = overlap_1D(placed.zFrom, placed.zTo, zone.zFrom, zone.zTo);
        if (Xs && Ys && Zs) {
            return true;
    return false;

public void rotate(float degrees) {
    Location origin = corners[0];
    this.yawRotation = (yawRotation + degrees) % 360;
    additions = new double[][] { {0, 0, 0}, {x, 0, 0}, {0, y, 0}, {0, 0, z}, {x, 0, z}, {x, y, 0}, {x, y, z}, {0, y, z}};
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        double[] addition = additions[i];
        double xPrime = center.getX() + (center.getX() - (origin.getX() + addition[0])) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yawRotation)) - (center.getZ() - (origin.getZ() + addition[2])) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yawRotation));
        double zPrime = center.getZ() + (center.getX() - (origin.getX() + addition[0])) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(yawRotation)) + (center.getZ() - (origin.getZ() + addition[2])) * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(yawRotation));
        corners[i] = new Location(center.getWorld(), xPrime, origin.getY() + addition[1], zPrime, yawRotation, 0);

public void move(Location center) {
    double deltaX = center.getX() - this.center.getX();
    double deltaY = center.getY() - this.center.getY();
    double deltaZ = center.getZ() - this.center.getZ();
    for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
        corners[i].add(deltaX, deltaY, deltaZ);
    this.center = center;

protected void setY(double y) {
    int[] toChange = new int[] {2, 5, 6, 7};
    for (int i : toChange) {
        corners[i].setY(corners[0].getY() + y);
    this.y = y;

public double getHighestX() {
    double highestX = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    for (Location location : corners) {
        if (location.getX() > highestX) {
            highestX = location.getX();
    return highestX;

public double getHighestY() {
    return corners[0].getY() + y;

public double getHighestZ() {
    double highestZ = Double.MIN_VALUE;
    for (Location location : corners) {
        if (location.getZ() > highestZ) {
            highestZ = location.getZ();
    return highestZ;

public double getLowestX() {
    double lowestX = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (Location location : corners) {
        if (location.getX() < lowestX) {
            lowestX = location.getX();
    return lowestX;

public double getLowestY() {
    return corners[0].getY();

public double getLowestZ() {
    double lowestZ = Double.MAX_VALUE;
    for (Location location : corners) {
        if (location.getZ() < lowestZ) {
            lowestZ = location.getZ();
    return lowestZ;

public float getYawRotation() {
    return yawRotation;
like image 562
JNorr44 Avatar asked Oct 20 '13 03:10


1 Answers

Perhaps consider drawing a line following the same vector that your bullet travels along, this will provide a visual indicator for what is happening, pass in the same calculations and etc.

As other have mentioned also include lots of debug printouts. Hopefully once you have a visual cue you can see when/where the problem calculations are occuring.

Also you should aim to use a standard data type for calculations, a float or a double, NOT both as this can cause some weird rounding and calculation problems.

like image 62
Matthew Pigram Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 00:10

Matthew Pigram