I recently noticed a specific part of my code is running significantly slower since I updated to Java 7. Pretty surprising as Java 7 is globally faster than Java 6.
The program is pretty large but I succeeded to extract a reproducible code to demonstrate how java 7 is slower than Java 6.
If you run the exact same code with Java 6 and Java 7 you see Java 7 is approximately 7-8 times slower than Java 6 !!!
Here is the code (don't bother trying to understand what it does, it's just an abstract from the real code and as such does not really make sense). It's basically a code that parse a string to format some part of it:
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
import java.util.Calendar;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.text.BadLocationException;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument;
import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
public class CPerfJava7 extends JFrame {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// +==============================================================+
// | Attributes |
// +==============================================================+
JPanel mainPanel;
public CPseudoHtmlDocument docu;
private static long totalTime = 0;
// +==============================================================+
// | Constructors |
// +==============================================================+
public CPerfJava7() {
docu = new CPseudoHtmlDocument();
mainPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane();
textPane.setText("testcase one\ndo program breakfast meal\ndo program time\ndo program portion size - 1/4 of the cup\nIt was easy to set up the time and portion size as directed in the manual\n\ndo collect kibbles from the bowl and measure the breakfast portion\ncheck the portion dispensed 1/4 cup of kibbles \nActual result - it was less than 1/4 cup. The wheel that rotates and dispenses\n the kibbles might haven't rotated completely.\n\ntestcase two\ndo program lunch meal\ndo program time\ndo leave the portion size the same - 1/4 of the cup\n\ncheck the portion dispensed 1/4 cup of kibbles\n do collect kibbles from the bowl and measure the lunch portion\nActual result was 1/20 of the cup, the wheel dispenser hardly released any kibbles\n\ntestcase three\n\ndo program dinner meal\ndo program time\ndo leave the portion size the same - 1/4 of the cup\n\ncheck the portion dispensed 1/4 cup of kibbles\n do collect kibbles from the bowl and measure the dinner portion\nActual result was less than 1/4 cup\n\nWhy was the middle meal the smallest? Is lunch always the smallest?\nTo prove this hypothesis, repeat first three test cases again.\n\ntestcase four\ndo repeat test case one\nActual result - it was less 1/4 and the portion was dispensed in two increments.\n\ntestcase five\ndo repeat test case two\nActual result - 1/8 of the cup.\n\ntestcase six\ndo repeat test case three\nActual result - 1/2 cup! The wheel rotated almost twice. It looked like all\n kibbles which were not dispensed previously, got released.\n Lunch was still the smallest meal, but the dinner portion was twice of the size\n.All three tests must be repeated again.\n\ntestcase seven\ndo repeat test case one\nActual result - 1/4 of the cup. Great!\n\ntestcase eight\ndo repeat test case two\nActual result - 1/4 of the cup! It works perfectly! Why?\n\ntestcase nine\ndo repeat test case three\nActual result - 1/6, so the third meal was less than it should be. Is this size of the portion hard to dispense correctly? Let's try 1/2 of the cup\n\ntestcase ten\ndo program breakfast meal\ndo program time\ndo program 1/2 of the cup\ncheck the amount of kibbles dispensed is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - 1/2 of the cup. Excellent. The wheel rotated twice as designed. In a minute it added 1/4 of the cup.\n\ntestcase eleven\ndo program lunch meal\ndo program time\ndo leave the portion size the same\ncheck the amount of kibbles dispensed is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - 1/3 of the cup. Lunch is smaller again.\n\testcase twelve\ndo program dinner meal\ndo program time\ndo leave the portion size the same - 1/2 of the cup\ncheck the amount of kibbles dispensed is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - 1/2, the portion was dispensed in 2 increments with the interval. As there is no consistency again, let test this portion size one more time.\n \ntestcase thirteen\ndo repeat test case ten\ncheck the amount of kibbles is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - a bit less than 1/2\n\n\ntestcase fourteen\ndo repeat test case eleven\ncheck the portion size is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - a bit more than 1/2. This portion size looks more stable. The lunch isn't the smallest anymore.\n\ntestcase fiftee\ndo repeat test case twelve\ncheck portion size is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - is l/2, a bit less of the exact amount. All three meals were served with almost correct portion size.\n\n\n- \n\n\n");
mainPanel.add(new JScrollPane(textPane), BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String[] args) {
CPerfJava7 frame;
WindowListener exitListener = new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
Window window = e.getWindow();
frame = new CPerfJava7();
frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
try {
// run it to warm it up
// then do real measures
totalTime = 0;
for (int k=0; k<50; k++) {
System.err.println(" AVERAGE = " + (totalTime/50));
} catch (Exception e) {
| Class: CPseudoHtmlDocument |
public class CPseudoHtmlDocument extends DefaultStyledDocument {
// +==============================================================+
// | Attribute(s) |
// +==============================================================+
private final SimpleAttributeSet attrNormal = new SimpleAttributeSet();
private final SimpleAttributeSet attrSpecial = new SimpleAttributeSet();
private final SimpleAttributeSet attrDefault = new SimpleAttributeSet();
private int currentPos = 0;
// +==============================================================+
// | Constructor(s) |
// +==============================================================+
public CPseudoHtmlDocument() {
StyleConstants.setForeground(attrSpecial, Color.decode("0xC71D15"));StyleConstants.setBold(attrSpecial, true);
StyleConstants.setForeground(attrDefault, new Color(150, 150, 0));
StyleConstants.setBold(attrDefault, true);
// +==============================================================+
// | Method(s) |
// +==============================================================+
public long getCurrentTimeMillis() {
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
return now.getTimeInMillis();
public String getCurrentLogTime() {
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
return calendarToPreciseTimeOfTheDay(now);
public String calendarToPreciseTimeOfTheDay (Calendar calendar) {
SimpleDateFormat localSimpleDateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss.S");
return localSimpleDateFormat.format(calendar.getTime());
private void doParse() {
long before = getCurrentTimeMillis();
setCharacterAttributes(0, 3260, new SimpleAttributeSet(), true); // reset all the text to review (including the rewinded part) with normal attribute
for (int i = 0; i <= 3260; i++) {
currentPos = i;
long after = getCurrentTimeMillis();
totalTime += (after-before);
System.err.println(" -> time to parse: " + (after-before) + " ms");
private void checkForKeyword(boolean insert) {
int preceedingStartTag, nextStopTag, preceedingPercentTag, nextPercentTag, preceedingSpace, nextSpace;
char currentChar = ' ';
try {
currentChar = this.getText(currentPos, 1).charAt(0);
} catch (BadLocationException e1) {
if (currentChar == '[') {
nextStopTag = getNextStop(currentPos+1, true);
setStyle(currentPos, nextStopTag); // check if this is a [xxx] we need to highlight
} else if (currentChar == ']') {
preceedingStartTag = getPreceedingStart(currentPos-1, true); // returns -1 if not found or another [, ], \n or space found first
setStyle(preceedingStartTag, currentPos); // check if this is a [xxx] we need to highlight
} else if (currentChar == '%') {
nextPercentTag = getNextPercent(currentPos+1, true); // returns -1 if not found or \n or space found first
if (nextPercentTag >= 0) {
// removed code
} else {
// [xxx]
preceedingStartTag = getPreceedingStart(currentPos-1, true); // returns -1 if not found or another ], \n or space found first
nextStopTag = getNextStop(currentPos, true); // returns -1 if not found or another [, \n or space found first
if (preceedingStartTag >=0 && nextStopTag >=0) {
setStyle(preceedingStartTag, nextStopTag);
preceedingPercentTag = getPreceedingPercent(currentPos-1, true); // returns -1 if not found or another [, ], \n or space found first
nextPercentTag = getNextPercent(currentPos, true); // returns -1 if not found or another [, ], \n or space found first
if (preceedingPercentTag >=0 && nextPercentTag >=0) {
preceedingSpace = getPreceedingSpace(currentPos-1, true); // returns -1 if another [, ] or % found first, 0 if not found
nextSpace = getNextSpace(currentPos, true); // returns -1 if not found or another [, ] or % found first, length-1 if not found
if (preceedingSpace >=0 && nextSpace >=0) {
if (preceedingSpace == 0) preceedingSpace--; // keyword at the very beginning of the text
setStyle(preceedingSpace+1, nextSpace-1);
private int getPreceedingStart(int offset, boolean strict) {
while (offset >= 0) {
try {
char charAt = this.getText(offset, 1).charAt(0);
if (charAt == '[') {
return offset;
} else if (charAt == ']' || charAt == '%' || charAt == ' ' || charAt == '\n' || charAt == '\r' || charAt == '\t') {
if (strict)
return -1;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
if (strict)
return -1;
return 0;
private int getNextStop(int offset, boolean strict) {
while (true) {
try {
char charAt = this.getText(offset, 1).charAt(0);
if (charAt == ']') {
return offset;
} else if (charAt == '[' || charAt == '%' || charAt == ' ' || charAt == '\n' || charAt == '\r' || charAt == '\t') {
if (strict)
return -1;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
if (strict)
return -1;
return offset-1;
private int getPreceedingPercent(int offset, boolean strict) {
while (offset >= 0) {
try {
char charAt = this.getText(offset, 1).charAt(0);
if (charAt == '%') {
return offset;
} else if (charAt == ' ' || charAt == '\n' || charAt == '\r' || charAt == '\t') {
if (strict)
return -1;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
if (strict)
return -1;
return 0;
private int getNextPercent(int offset, boolean strict) {
while (true) {
try {
char charAt = this.getText(offset, 1).charAt(0);
if (charAt == '%') {
return offset;
} else if (charAt == ' ' || charAt == '\n' || charAt == '\r' || charAt == '\t') {
if (strict)
return -1;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
if (strict)
return -1;
return offset;
private int getPreceedingSpace(int offset, boolean strict) {
while (offset >= 0) {
try {
char charAt = this.getText(offset, 1).charAt(0);
if (charAt == ' ' || charAt == '\n' || charAt == '\r' || charAt == '\t') {
return offset;
} else if (charAt == '%' || charAt == '[' || charAt == ']') {
if (strict)
return -1;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
return 0;
private int getNextSpace(int offset, boolean strict) {
while (true) {
try {
char charAt = this.getText(offset, 1).charAt(0);
if (charAt == ' ' || charAt == '\n' || charAt == '\r' || charAt == '\t') {
return offset;
} else if (charAt == '%' || charAt == '[' || charAt == ']') {
if (strict)
return -1;
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
return offset-1;
private void setStyle(int startTag, int stopTag) {
if (startTag >= 0 && stopTag > 0 && stopTag > startTag) {
int tagLength = stopTag-startTag+1;
try {
String tag = this.getText(startTag, tagLength);
String s = tag.trim()/*.toLowerCase()*/;
if (s.equals("testcase") || s.equals("do") || s.equals("check") || s.equals("and")) {
setCharacterAttributes(startTag, tagLength, attrSpecial, true);
} else {
setCharacterAttributes(startTag, tagLength, attrNormal, true);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
On my computer if I run it with Java 6, I get an average time of 60ms to run it.
If I run it with Java 7 it will take 460ms of so.
Am I the only one who noticed that? Thanks,
Edit: Here is the new program that proves the faulty method is DefaultStyledDocument.setCharacaterAttributes() in Java 7:
import java.awt.BorderLayout;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Window;
import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter;
import java.awt.event.WindowEvent;
import java.awt.event.WindowListener;
import java.util.Calendar;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JScrollPane;
import javax.swing.JTextPane;
import javax.swing.text.DefaultStyledDocument;
import javax.swing.text.SimpleAttributeSet;
import javax.swing.text.StyleConstants;
public class CPerfJava7_justSetCharacterAttributes extends JFrame {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
// +==============================================================+
// | Attributes |
// +==============================================================+
JPanel mainPanel;
public CPseudoHtmlDocument docu;
// +==============================================================+
// | Constructors |
// +==============================================================+
public CPerfJava7_justSetCharacterAttributes() {
docu = new CPseudoHtmlDocument();
mainPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
JTextPane textPane = new JTextPane();
textPane.setText("testcase one\ndo program breakfast meal\ndo program time\ndo program portion size - 1/4 of the cup\nIt was easy to set up the time and portion size as directed in the manual\n\ndo collect kibbles from the bowl and measure the breakfast portion\ncheck the portion dispensed 1/4 cup of kibbles \nActual result - it was less than 1/4 cup. The wheel that rotates and dispenses\n the kibbles might haven't rotated completely.\n\ntestcase two\ndo program lunch meal\ndo program time\ndo leave the portion size the same - 1/4 of the cup\n\ncheck the portion dispensed 1/4 cup of kibbles\n do collect kibbles from the bowl and measure the lunch portion\nActual result was 1/20 of the cup, the wheel dispenser hardly released any kibbles\n\ntestcase three\n\ndo program dinner meal\ndo program time\ndo leave the portion size the same - 1/4 of the cup\n\ncheck the portion dispensed 1/4 cup of kibbles\n do collect kibbles from the bowl and measure the dinner portion\nActual result was less than 1/4 cup\n\nWhy was the middle meal the smallest? Is lunch always the smallest?\nTo prove this hypothesis, repeat first three test cases again.\n\ntestcase four\ndo repeat test case one\nActual result - it was less 1/4 and the portion was dispensed in two increments.\n\ntestcase five\ndo repeat test case two\nActual result - 1/8 of the cup.\n\ntestcase six\ndo repeat test case three\nActual result - 1/2 cup! The wheel rotated almost twice. It looked like all\n kibbles which were not dispensed previously, got released.\n Lunch was still the smallest meal, but the dinner portion was twice of the size\n.All three tests must be repeated again.\n\ntestcase seven\ndo repeat test case one\nActual result - 1/4 of the cup. Great!\n\ntestcase eight\ndo repeat test case two\nActual result - 1/4 of the cup! It works perfectly! Why?\n\ntestcase nine\ndo repeat test case three\nActual result - 1/6, so the third meal was less than it should be. Is this size of the portion hard to dispense correctly? Let's try 1/2 of the cup\n\ntestcase ten\ndo program breakfast meal\ndo program time\ndo program 1/2 of the cup\ncheck the amount of kibbles dispensed is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - 1/2 of the cup. Excellent. The wheel rotated twice as designed. In a minute it added 1/4 of the cup.\n\ntestcase eleven\ndo program lunch meal\ndo program time\ndo leave the portion size the same\ncheck the amount of kibbles dispensed is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - 1/3 of the cup. Lunch is smaller again.\n\testcase twelve\ndo program dinner meal\ndo program time\ndo leave the portion size the same - 1/2 of the cup\ncheck the amount of kibbles dispensed is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - 1/2, the portion was dispensed in 2 increments with the interval. As there is no consistency again, let test this portion size one more time.\n \ntestcase thirteen\ndo repeat test case ten\ncheck the amount of kibbles is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - a bit less than 1/2\n\n\ntestcase fourteen\ndo repeat test case eleven\ncheck the portion size is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - a bit more than 1/2. This portion size looks more stable. The lunch isn't the smallest anymore.\n\ntestcase fiftee\ndo repeat test case twelve\ncheck portion size is 1/2 of the cup\nActual result - is l/2, a bit less of the exact amount. All three meals were served with almost correct portion size.\n\n\n- \n\n\n");
mainPanel.add(new JScrollPane(textPane), BorderLayout.CENTER);
public static void main(String[] args) {
CPerfJava7_justSetCharacterAttributes frame;
WindowListener exitListener = new WindowAdapter() {
public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
Window window = e.getWindow();
frame = new CPerfJava7_justSetCharacterAttributes();
frame.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(600, 400));
try {
// run it to warm it up
} catch (Exception e) {
| Class: CPseudoHtmlDocument |
public class CPseudoHtmlDocument extends DefaultStyledDocument {
private final SimpleAttributeSet attrDefault = new SimpleAttributeSet();
public CPseudoHtmlDocument() {
StyleConstants.setForeground(attrDefault, new Color(150, 150, 0));
StyleConstants.setBold(attrDefault, true);
public long getCurrentTimeMillis() {
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance();
return now.getTimeInMillis();
private void doParse() {
long before = getCurrentTimeMillis();
for (int k=0; k<5; k++) {
for (int i = 0; i <= 3260; i+=1) {
setStyle(i, i+1);
long after = getCurrentTimeMillis();
System.err.println(" -> time to parse: " + (after-before) + " ms");
private void setStyle(int startTag, int stopTag) {
int tagLength = stopTag-startTag+1;
setCharacterAttributes(startTag, tagLength, attrDefault, true);
On my computer:
Java 6: ~1 sec
Java 7: ~4.5 sec
Any way to make it work in Java 7 as fast as in Java 6? Thanks,
EDIT: here is a workaround that fixes the perf. issue with Java 7 (I did it on insertString() and remove()):
public void remove(int offset, int length) throws BadLocationException {
// start by removing normally the string using the default styled document
try {
super.remove(offset, length);
} catch (Exception e) {
int caretPosition = textPane.getCaretPosition();
textPane.setDocument(new DefaultStyledDocument());
I think the problem not the Document but difference in view structure layout.
Try to create a Document without JTextPane and apply all the styles.
Break spots calculations were introduced in java7 to define where view can be wrapped. There is a bug in layout see Strange text wrapping with styled text in JTextPane with Java 7
Guess the same happens with simple layout.
You can try to play with the views ParagraphView and LabelView and see how different changes in layout extremly change performance.
As suggested by this link, perhaps it can be interesting to replace setCharacterAttributes with getHighlighter().addHighlight(). It may be faster and perhaps the difference between Java version be reduced a lot. I can not test it since it will require too much change to the code.
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