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itunesconnect login - Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect [closed]

I am a beginner iPhone developer. I have an apple ID and password. This apple ID and password work on https://developer.apple.com but not on https://itunesconnect.apple.com. It's not working on itunes connect. I get the error: Apple ID does not have permission to access iTunes Connect. please give any solution and suggestion for this.

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Keshav Avatar asked Feb 20 '13 06:02


People also ask

Why is iTunes saying I don't have permission?

You do not have permission. This is a serious issue, and there could be several reasons behind this error message. Possibly the cable is damaged, or the iTunes version is outdated, or the macOS is outdated, or even the iOS is outdated.

How do I stop iTunes from asking for my Apple ID?

To change this, go back to Settings, tap "Face ID & Passcode" or "Touch ID & Passcode", then turn off Face ID or Touch ID next to iTunes & App Store.

1 Answers

This happened to me on my second iTunes account after I had just signed up as a corporate account... I just had to wait for them to verify my DUNS number. If this isn't the case I'm sure they are still verifying other things... it took me 14 days until I could access iTunes connect... on my first iTunes account (4-5 years ago) it took 30 days before I could upload apps after accessing iTunesConnect (bank verification) ... (Now a-days this takes less than 1 day)

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Albert Renshaw Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 18:09

Albert Renshaw