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iTunes Connect, check total sales? [closed]

Is there a way using either iTunes connect or the API to check the total number of application sales for a particular app since release. I am just curious as ITC on the iPhone only seems to show 26 weeks when displaying totals, so it missed off the first 20+ weeks. (the app has been out for about 50 weeks).

I would just like to see Release to Now, total sales = 4067 is this possible?

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fuzzygoat Avatar asked Feb 14 '11 20:02


People also ask

How can I see my iTunes sales?

On the Sales and Trends Reports page in iTunes Connect, the following reports are available: Summary Sales Reports show aggregated sales, minus refunds, for the chosen reporting period, such as daily or weekly. The report contains products, customer price, royalty price, and sales territory.

How can I see how many downloads I have in iTunes Connect?

To see how many times your app has been downloaded via your iPhone: Navigate and sign in to the App Store Connect to access App Analytics. On the “Overview” page your app will be displayed. Find the “Total Downloads” card to see the number of times your app has been downloaded that month.

2 Answers

From the Apple User Guide for the Financial Reports (available at bottom of iTunes Connect page):

We do not store or regenerate the data after the periods have expired (14 rolling days and 13 rolling weeks); you will need to download and store this data on a regular basis if you intend to use it in the future.

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Jesse Naugher Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 20:09

Jesse Naugher

So the answer is: no. It's so ridiculous -- 500GB of storage costs peanuts (yes I know IT storage costs more, redundancy, management, backups, archiving, blah blah, etc.), but it's still cheap. Apple could keep a "total shipped" record and it wouldn't hurt them.

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Bogatyr Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09
