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itoa for negative numbers?




Bounty: +50 reputation points for anyone that provides the code to make this subroutine work with negative numbers.

I wrote a MIPS program to convert Fahrenheit to Celsius. It opens its own output window (i.e. UART) and properly displays the value in Celsius. It does all of this while making calls from C to assembly and vice versa. Entire code posted below.

I am struggling with getting it to work with negative numbers. Just drawing a blank right now for some reason. How do I change my itoa function to write this check?

Anyone have any ideas how to get this working with negative values in MIPS?

.ent itoa
  // putting the stack frame together
  addiu sp, sp, -16
  sw    fp, 12(sp)
  move  fp, sp
  sw    a0, 16(fp)
  sw    a1, 20(fp)
  sw    s0, 4(fp)
  sw    s1, 0(sp)

  // there is no divide immediate, so using s1
  li    s1, 10

        divu  a0, s1
        mfhi  s0
        mflo  a0

        addiu s0, s0, 0x30
        addiu sp, sp, -1
        sb    s0, 0(sp)

        beq   a0, zero, itoa_div_done

        j     itoa_div_begin

        lb    s0, 0(sp)
        sb    s0, 0(a1)

        addiu sp, sp, 1
        subu  s1, sp, fp
        addiu a1, a1, 1

        beq   s1, zero, itoa_copy_done

        j     itoa_copy_begin

  li    s0, 0
  sb    s0, 0(a1)

  move  v0, a1

  lw    a0, 16(fp)
  lw    a1, 20(fp)
  lw    s0, 4(fp)
  lw    s1, 0(fp)
  // stack frame
  move  sp, fp
  lw    fp, 12(sp)
  addiu sp, sp, 16

  jr    ra

.end itoa
like image 994
MrPickle5 Avatar asked Nov 21 '13 22:11


People also ask

What is itoa () in C?

The itoa() function coverts the integer n into a character string. The string is placed in the buffer passed, which must be large enough to hold the output. The radix values can be OCTAL, DECIMAL, or HEX.

Is there an itoa in C?

The itoa (integer to ASCII) function is a widespread non-standard extension to the standard C programming language. It cannot be portably used, as it is not defined in any of the C language standards; however, compilers often provide it through the header <stdlib.

What is Atoi and itoa?

atoi is the 'ascii to integer' function and itoa is the reverse, the 'integer to ascii' function. You would use atoi to convert a string, say, “23557” to the actual integer 23557. Similarly, you would use itoa to convert an integer, say 44711, to the equivalent string “44711”. Very handy.

1 Answers

You can include this in your code, right above itoa_div_begin:

li t0, 0x40000000
and t0, a0, t0
beqz t0, itoa_div_begin
li t0, 45
sb t0, 0(a1)
addi a1, a1, 1
not a0, a0
addi a0, a0, 1


What is does:

  • Check for a negative number by checking if the MSB is 1
  • If so, insert - in result, and
  • Use the two's complement of the number for the rest of the function
like image 55
Patrik Avatar answered Sep 18 '22 06:09
