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Iterating over different types





Given the following code:

struct Window{
    void show();
}w1, w2, w3;

struct Widget{
    void show();
}w4, w5, w6;

struct Toolbar{
    void show();
}t1, t2, t3;

I want to show a bunch of items:

for (auto &obj : {w3, w4, w5, t1})

However this does not compile since the std::initializer_list<T> in the for-loop cannot deduce T and in fact there is not really a T that would fit. I don't want to create a type erasure type because of the amount of code required and the unnecessary runtime overhead. How do I correctly write my loop so that the type of obj is deduced for every item in the conceptual list separately?

like image 949
nwp Avatar asked Dec 16 '15 14:12


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3 Answers

In C++17 or better you'd use fold expressions, to "walk through" your heterogenous arguments applying the member function:

auto Printer = [](auto&&... args) {
    (args.show(), ...);

Printer(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, t1, t2, t3);


You can read more on this in my blog

like image 152
Nikos Athanasiou Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Nikos Athanasiou

boost::fusion is awesome but oldskool - it caters for the deficiencies in c++03.

c++11's variadic template expansion to the rescue!

#include <iostream>

struct Window{
    void show() {
        std::cout << "Window\n";
}w1, w2, w3;

struct Widget{
    void show() {
        std::cout << "Widget\n";
}w4, w5, w6;

struct Toolbar{
    void show()
        std::cout << "Toolbar\n";
}t1, t2, t3;

void call_show(Objects&&...objects)
    using expand = int[];
    (void) expand { 0, ((void)objects.show(), 0)... };

auto main() -> int
    call_show(w3, w4, w5, t1);
    return 0;

expected output:


another, more generic way (requires c++14):

// note that i have avoided a function names that look like
// one in the standard library.

template<class Functor, class...Objects>
void for_all(Functor&& f, Objects&&... objects)
    using expand = int[];
    (void) expand { 0, (f(std::forward<Objects>(objects)), 0)... };


called like so:

for_all([](auto& thing) { thing.show(); }, w3, w4, w5, t1);
like image 39
Richard Hodges Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 15:10

Richard Hodges

Another option is to use boost::tuple or std::tuple and boost::fusion::for_each algorithm:

#include <boost/fusion/algorithm/iteration/for_each.hpp>
#include <boost/fusion/adapted/boost_tuple.hpp>

    boost::tie(w1, w2, w3, w4, w5, w6, t1, t2, t3), // by reference, not a copy
    [](auto&& t) { t.show(); } 

Just out of curiosity, compared the generated assembly output of Richard Hodges's method with the above. With gcc-4.9.2 -Wall -Wextra -std=gnu++14 -O3 -march=native the produced assembly code is identical.

like image 21
Maxim Egorushkin Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 16:10

Maxim Egorushkin