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I just came across this strange thing I got to see application is that by default they use SOCK_STREAM function. Why is it so? Is this SOCK_STREAM just creating multiple streams? Or is it the standard SOCK_STREAM function available for creating TCP stream(s)?

I thought tsunami is based on UDP, but still having some features like that of TCP, e.g. TCP fairness, friendlyness, etc.

Could somebody please shed some light on this issue? I am totally confused over this.

like image 920
echo9 Avatar asked Apr 28 '11 08:04


People also ask

What is Sock_dgram used for?

In the UNIX domain, the SOCK_DGRAM socket type is similar to a message queue. In the Internet domain, the SOCK_DGRAM socket type is implemented on the User Datagram Protocol/Internet Protocol (UDP/IP) protocol. A datagram socket supports the bidirectional flow of data, which is not sequenced, reliable, or unduplicated.

What is Af_inet and Sock_stream?

AF_INET is the Internet address family for IPv4. SOCK_STREAM is the socket type for TCP, the protocol that will be used to transport messages in the network. The . bind() method is used to associate the socket with a specific network interface and port number: # echo-server.py # ... with socket.

What is Sock_stream in Python?

SOCK_STREAM means that it is a TCP socket. SOCK_DGRAM means that it is a UDP socket. These are used 99% of the time. There are other possibilities as well, see https://docs.python.org/2/library/socket.html#socket.SOCK_STREAM (you will have to google for the meaning of each one).

What is the type of communication in Sock_stream?

The socket type is SOCK_STREAM . Datagram sockets enable processes to use UDP to communicate. A datagram socket supports a bidirectional flow of messages. A process on a datagram socket can receive messages in a different order from the sending sequence.

1 Answers

TCP almost always uses SOCK_STREAM and UDP uses SOCK_DGRAM.

TCP (SOCK_STREAM) is a connection-based protocol. The connection is established and the two parties have a conversation until the connection is terminated by one of the parties or by a network error.

UDP (SOCK_DGRAM) is a datagram-based protocol. You send one datagram and get one reply and then the connection terminates.

  • If you send multiple packets, TCP promises to deliver them in order. UDP does not, so the receiver needs to check them, if the order matters.

  • If a TCP packet is lost, the sender can tell. Not so for UDP.

  • UDP datagrams are limited in size, from memory I think it is 512 bytes. TCP can send much bigger lumps than that.

  • TCP is a bit more robust and makes more checks. UDP is a shade lighter weight (less computer and network stress).

Choose the protocol appropriate for how you want to interact with the other computer.

like image 181
Michael J Avatar answered Sep 22 '22 17:09

Michael J