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Iterate a collection backwards in Pharo Smalltalk

I'm new using Pharo and I'm trying to iterate over an OrderedCollection, but starting from the end.

For example:

| c |
c := OrderedCollection new.
c add: (1).
c add: (2).
c add: (3).
c do: [ :each | Transcript show: each ; cr ]

The result is 1 2 3 but I want 3 2 1.

Is it possible or do I have to use another kind of collection?

like image 792
Carlos Rivero Avatar asked Jan 07 '16 21:01

Carlos Rivero

1 Answers

To iterate an OrderedCollection in reverse order you can use the reverseDo: method, e.g.

c reverseDo: [ :each | Transcript show: each; cr ].
like image 68