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Is there any way to reduce the boot up time of Android Emulator provided with android SDK



On my system, i am using eclipse ganymede version along the Android SDK and ADT plugin installed. I have created an android AVD (target android 1.5) with 512MB of memory. Its quite frustrating to see the slow boot up of it. It takes around 4-5 mins to complete its boot-up. Is there any way or tweak to speed up this boot up process.

PC config:
P4 2.4 Ghz with 1 GB ram.

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Amit Avatar asked Mar 05 '10 05:03


1 Answers

You can use the -no-boot-anim command line option which speeds up the boot process by not showing the boot animation while the emulator starts up. It makes an noticeable difference on my system reducing start up time from around 55 seconds to nearer 45 seconds. (In case you're interested this is on a laptop with a Mobile Core 2 Duo L9400 and 3GB of RAM.)

Use a command line like this to start the emulator:

emulator -no-boot-anim @YourAvdName

where YourAvdName is the name of the Android Virtual Device (AVD) image that you want to start.

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Dave Webb Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 15:11

Dave Webb