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Firebase does not collect age and gender data

I am linking my Android and iOS app to Firebase Analytics, and it seems to work well except I cannot collect the "automatic" information about the user, such as gender and age.

enter image description here

I can see some thousands of users, and I can also track custom events (like in-app purchases)

enter image description here

But in the same view, gender and age are not present.

This question looks like the same, but the answer is not applicable: I used DebugView to test it and then deactivated it as per documentation.

of course, View "All Users" audience displays the same data.

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Simone Chelo Avatar asked Jan 29 '20 15:01

Simone Chelo

People also ask

What data is collected by Google Analytics for Firebase?

The type of information collected through the Google Analytics for Firebase default implementation includes: See a full list of the default events and user properties collected by Google Analytics for Firebase. The Firebase SDK library uses an app-instance identifier to identify a unique installation of the App.

How do I use the user property in Firebase?

When the new data is available, the user property can be used as a report filter or audience definition. You can access this data from the User Properties dashboard in the Firebase console. This dashboard shows a list of user properties that you have defined for your app.

How does the firebase SDK generate an instance identifier?

When using the SDK, an app-instance identifier gets generated at the app level. By default, the Firebase SDK collects identifiers for mobile devices (for example, Android Advertising ID and Advertising Identifier for iOS) and utilizes technologies similar to cookies.

How do I disable Firebase Analytics collection?

If you wish to temporarily disable Analytics collection, such as to get end-user consent before collecting data, you can set the value of FIREBASE_ANALYTICS_COLLECTION_ENABLED to NO (Boolean) in your app's Info.plist file. For example, viewed in the source XML:

1 Answers

There are possible reasons:

  1. Google Signals isn't activated. Make sure that you have enabled Google Signals for your property, because Google signals are session data that Google associates with users who have logged in to their Google accounts and who have turned on Ads Personalization.
  2. Collection of Device Advertising IDs is disabled. Please ensure that the Collection of Device Advertising IDs is enabled, so that you will be able to see demographic and interest data on the Analytics dashboard since this is used to track user properties such as Age, Gender and Interests. Also, Analytics derives demographics and interests data from the Android Advertising ID or the iOS Identifier for Advertisers (IDFA).
  3. google-services.json or dependencies are outdated

I have such problem. 1 and 3 solve it. You also can contact Firebase Support.

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Pavel Kozemirov Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 05:09

Pavel Kozemirov