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Reading text from (Facebook) RecyclerView with AccessibilityService

How can I see the text of non-focused RecyclerView children (items)?

My accessibility service is supposed to read out text from the screen which contains keywords. This works well in most situations, except where I am dealing with RecyclerViews, especially those in the Facebook application.

Both Facebook feed and comments screens are based on RecyclerView and neither seem to provide me with access to the text I need from their accessibility events.

What I've tried:

public void onAccessibilityEvent(AccessibilityEvent event) {

    //I've tried looping through event.getText() and it does not contain the text entries

    //I've also tried the following (with various null checks)
    AccessibilityRecordCompat record = AccessibilityEventCompat.asRecord(event);
    AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat source = record.getSource();
    List<AccessibilityNodeInfoCompat> nodes = source.findAccessibilityNodeInfosByText("...");
    //(and loop through the entries)

    //I've also tried limiting to the class name "android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView"
    //and looking at parcelableData

    //In the facebook app, the following is always null too


Nowhere seems to contain the data I need. As an example when opening a comments screen/overlay from a post, I can see all text content EXCEPT the comments themselves (which are inside the recycler view)

Logs of the event details that I can see:

Here is what I see for the comments overlay on a post with a single comment

Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED; PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView; Text: []; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: 100; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: true; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: 13; ToIndex: 24; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED;   PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: X.BGT; Text: []; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: true; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED; PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.support.v7.widget.RecyclerView; Text: []; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: 1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: 0; ToIndex: 0; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED; PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.view.ViewGroup; Text: []; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED; PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.widget.FrameLayout; Text: []; ContentDescription: Photo; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED; PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.widget.FrameLayout; Text: []; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED; PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.widget.ImageButton; Text: []; ContentDescription: Stickers; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: false; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED; PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.widget.FrameLayout; Text: []; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_CONTENT_CHANGED; PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: android.widget.TextView; Text: []; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: false; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0
Event: EventType: TYPE_WINDOW_STATE_CHANGED;   PackageName: com.facebook.katana; MovementGranularity: 0; Action: 0 [ ClassName: X.BGT; Text: [Be the first to like this., Like Button, Photo Comment, Write a comment…, Open GIF search, Stickers]; ContentDescription: null; ItemCount: -1; CurrentItemIndex: -1; IsEnabled: true; IsPassword: false; IsChecked: false; IsFullScreen: true; Scrollable: false; BeforeText: null; FromIndex: -1; ToIndex: -1; ScrollX: -1; ScrollY: -1; MaxScrollX: -1; MaxScrollY: -1; AddedCount: -1; RemovedCount: -1; ParcelableData: null ]; recordCount: 0

I've also tried exploring the children of the source, but only ViewGroups are presented (no Views) and always with text null

Ancestor for 0 = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@800a418a; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 1056, 236); boundsInScreen: Rect(12, 244 - 1068, 480); packageName: com.facebook.katana; className: android.view.ViewGroup; text: null; error: null; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SELECT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null]
Ancestor for 0, 0 = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@800a3647; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 1056, 236); boundsInScreen: Rect(12, 244 - 1068, 480); packageName: com.facebook.katana; className: android.view.ViewGroup; text: null; error: null; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: true; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SELECT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_LONG_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null]
Ancestor for 0, 0, 0 = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@800a3a08; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 828, 58); boundsInScreen: Rect(204, 262 - 1032, 320); packageName: com.facebook.katana; className: android.view.ViewGroup; text: null; error: null; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: true; longClickable: true; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SELECT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_LONG_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null]
Ancestor for 0, 0, 0, 0 = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@800a454b; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 268, 58); boundsInScreen: Rect(204, 262 - 472, 320); packageName: com.facebook.katana; className: android.view.ViewGroup; text: null; error: null; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: true; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SELECT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null]
Ancestor for 0, 0, 1 = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@800a3dc9; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 828, 48); boundsInScreen: Rect(204, 320 - 1032, 368); packageName: com.facebook.katana; className: android.view.ViewGroup; text: null; error: null; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: true; longClickable: true; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SELECT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_LONG_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null]
Ancestor for 0, 0, 2 = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@800a490c; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 828, 80); boundsInScreen: Rect(204, 382 - 1032, 462); packageName: com.facebook.katana; className: android.view.ViewGroup; text: null; error: null; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: false; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SELECT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null]
Ancestor for 0, 0, 2, 0 = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@800a4ccd; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 93, 44); boundsInScreen: Rect(507, 394 - 600, 438); packageName: com.facebook.katana; className: android.view.ViewGroup; text: null; error: null; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: true; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SELECT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null]
Ancestor for 0, 0, 2, 1 = android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityNodeInfo@800a508e; boundsInParent: Rect(0, 0 - 114, 44); boundsInScreen: Rect(632, 394 - 746, 438); packageName: com.facebook.katana; className: android.view.ViewGroup; text: null; error: null; maxTextLength: -1; contentDescription: null; viewIdResName: null; checkable: false; checked: false; focusable: false; focused: false; selected: false; clickable: true; longClickable: false; contextClickable: false; enabled: true; password: false; scrollable: false; actions: [AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SELECT - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLEAR_SELECTION - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_CLICK - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_ACCESSIBILITY_FOCUS - null, AccessibilityAction: ACTION_SHOW_ON_SCREEN - null]

I am not sure if this is definitely possible or I may be taking completely the wrong approach. I noticed in TalkBack mode the user must click on / focus the individual elements of a RecyclerView child before they are read, which is not an option for my service (which is supposed to find those items of interest)

like image 720
Nick Cardoso Avatar asked Oct 25 '17 12:10

Nick Cardoso

1 Answers

I have faced the problem with nested scroll views, solved with finding all views recursively, I think, you have already tried this. Here is the solution works in my case, You can try it may work for you also.

private AccessibilityNodeInfo accessbiltyContent(AccessibilityNodeInfo parentView,String strAddress) throws Exception {

    int childCount = parentView.getChildCount();

    for (int i = 0; i < childCount; ++i) {
        AccessibilityNodeInfo child = parentView.getChild(i);
        // child=null;
        if (child != null) {

            String strToAddress=strAddress+" > "+child.getClassName().toString();
            String nodeText="";

            if(child.getText() != null)

            Log.v(TAG,"values =" +child.getClassName().toString(),nodeText,strToAddress));

        else {
            return null;

    return null;


It will traverse all views in parent and prints them to find.

like image 103
Mamidi Anil Kumar Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 07:09

Mamidi Anil Kumar