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Is there any guide to submit catalyst app?


People also ask

Does catalyst have an app?

The best way to download Catalyst to your phone is to use the link that is sent in your introductory SMS/text. If you don't have that message, you can go the App Store for your phone (Android or iPhone) and download it from there. In the App Store search for “Catalyst 2.0” and download it.

What is catalyst Apple?

With Mac Catalyst, you can make a Mac version of your iPad app. Click the Mac checkbox in your iPad app's project settings to configure the project to build both Mac and iPad versions of your app. The two apps share the same project and source code, making it easy to change your code in one place.

How do I convert iOS app to Mac?

To add support for Mac, open your Xcode project and select the iOS target that you want to configure. In the General tab, under Deployment Info, select the Mac checkbox. (If your app supports iPhone only, the checkbox is unavailable.) When you enable Mac support, Xcode adds the App Sandbox Entitlement to your project.

We have created new app which support iphone, ipad and mac catalyst from xcode 11. We have also create apple distribution profile to upload binary. But at submission time apple says that beta binaries are not supported. I have used xcode 11 and if i will de select mac then i can submit build.

In developer apple i havent seen any guide on uploading mac catalyst apps. Anyone please help me out on this?