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Sourcetree not refreshing view

The view within sourcetree has to be manually updated by hitting F5 as of version I attempted to raise this as a bug on https://jira.atlassian.com/, but the form doesn't give me a correct option for version with 3.2 being the most up to date version available. If someone can point me to the correct place to raise this bug, it would be much appreciated.

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dmoore1181 Avatar asked Dec 23 '19 19:12


People also ask

How do I connect to Azure DevOps from SourceTree?

On Source Tree, go to add account and select Azure DevOps. for the host, I used https://{organisation}.visualstudio.com as the new URL format for azure DevOps didn't work. enter the generated PAT as username. use the PAT you just generated for the password as well.

1 Answers

This happened to me and the only way was to reinstall SourceTree 3.2.1, at least until the refresh bug gets fixed by Atlassian. I can't complain, it's a great tool and it's free, but this was annoying. I'm always a little apprehensive upgrading software I make, much less someone else's!

Here is the download page you can install older versions, I suggest 3.2.1, which works great! https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/download-archives

Following up: I'm on Windows and at least in my instance to get it to work all I did was:

  1. Close SourceTree
  2. Download 3.2.1 from the link above
  3. Run the installer

Then I opened SourceTree and it reverted the version back by itself and I haven't had any issues since. I hope this helps!

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Aaron Belchamber Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 05:10

Aaron Belchamber