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SourceTree, Error Logon failed, use ctrl+c to cancel basic credential prompt

I'm getting below error while cloning a repo through Sourcetree.

enter image description here

I'm able to login directly through bitbucket.org but not through Sourcetree. Let me know how this issue needs to be fixed.

SourceTree version: 3.3.9


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Adi Avatar asked Aug 27 '20 12:08


4 Answers

Let's try this:

  1. Tools -> Options -> Authentication
  2. Click "Edit" on Your Account
  3. Click "Refresh OAuth Token"

It works for me :)

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BeesQ Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 22:10


This is still relevant!

I solve it by updating SourceeTree.

  1. Remove Sourcetree from PC
  2. Download the new version from the official site: click
  3. After open, on the top right corner press the yellow flag to update, then click "restart".
  4. Go to Tools => Settings => GIT => Update Embedded.

For version 3.4.0 I have Embedded v2.29.2.

Then press Fetch, for example. Select "Use no helper" in a popup window. Also, check "don't ask again". Enter email/login and password into the login popup.

Success for me :)

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Dmitriy Nazarovskiy Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 06:10

Dmitriy Nazarovskiy

I found out that the reason why SourceTree cannot authorize our GitHub account is that source tree is using the old git version so that it doesn't authorize our account through web but through its own application which is not permitted by Git. Git Notification

Solution: First of all, you must know where your SourceTree stores your local datas (which is also the local git). You go to Tools > Options. Choose Git tab, and then choose Embeded in Git version which will tell you the path to their local datas. Mine is "C:\Users\as\AppData\Local\Atlassian". Git Local path

And then you need to delete all the folder in the Atlassian and then uninstall SourceTree. After all, you install new version of Git from this: https://gitforwindows.org/ and install new SourceTree from this: https://www.sourcetreeapp.com/

And then you just need to open your repository from the Add button, and try to push again. SourceTree

They will appear the web-authorization for you to sign in. And after all that, it works. Git Authentication

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Thien Ngan Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10

Thien Ngan

Authenticate with OAuth instead of Basic.

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Aung Naing Tun Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 23:10

Aung Naing Tun