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Is there any C# naming convention for a variable used in a property?




Let's say, we have a variable, which we want named Fubar

Let's say that Fubar is a String!

That means, we would define Fubar as so:

public string Fubar;

Now, let's say we want Fubar to have a getter and setter (or in other words, become a C# property)!

private string Fubar;
public string Fubar_gs
        //Some fancy logic
        return Fubar;
        //Some more fancy logic
        Fubar = value;

Well great! That is all fine and dandy, EXCEPT, what if I wanted the PROPERTY to be named Fubar, not the original variable?

Well obviously, I would just rename both variables. But the problem is, what would be the best name for the original variable?

Is there a naming convention for this situation?

like image 935
Georges Oates Larsen Avatar asked Aug 20 '12 21:08

Georges Oates Larsen

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4 Answers

Per Microsoft's naming conventions, the proper way would be:

private string fubar;
public string Fubar { get { return fubar; } set { fubar = value; } }

However, many people prefer to prefix the private field with an underscore to help minimize the possibility of miscapitalizing and using the field when they meant to use the property, or vice versa.

Thus, it's common to see:

private string _fubar;
public string Fubar { get { return _fubar; } set { _fubar = value; } }

The approach you take is ultimately up to you. StyleCop will enforce the former by default, whereas ReSharper will enforce the latter.

In C# 6, there is new syntax for declaring default values for properties or making read-only properties, lessening the need for properties with backing fields that don't have any special additional logic in the get and set methods. You can simply write:

public string Fubar { get; set; } = "Default Value";


public string Fubar { get; } = "Read-only Value";

like image 103
Daniel Mann Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 18:10

Daniel Mann

prefix the private with an underscore _fubar

as a good guide, you can use the CLR runtimes teams coding style guide which goes beyond the standard naming guideline from Microsoft


like image 24
Keith Nicholas Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 19:10

Keith Nicholas

If you name your private variables starting with lower case, you can right click on them and have VS generate your getter/setter code for you;

Refactor->Enacpsulate Field...

It will name the property with Caps.

like image 7
Belmiris Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10


If there's no logic in the getter/setter, use an auto-property:

public string Fubar {get; set;}


like image 6
Austin Salonen Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 20:10

Austin Salonen