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How to set the InnerException of custom Exception class from its constructor

People also ask

Which property is set in the constructor of an exception class?

This constructor initializes the Message property of the new instance by using the message parameter. If the message parameter is null , this is the same as calling the Exception constructor. The following table shows the initial property values for an instance of Exception.

How do I check my InnerException for exception details?

When you're debugging and you get an exception, always, always, always click on the View Details link to open the View Details dialog. If the message in the dialog isn't expanded, expand it, then scan down to the Inner Exception entry.

How do I get InnerException in C#?

To get the type of the exception, we can invoke the GetType() method from the Exception class object and then we can invoke the Name property to get the name of the exception. To write the exception details in a file, the StreamWriter provides a method “write” or “writeline” of which we can pass the ex. GetType().

You set the inner exception by calling the base ctor:

public MyException(string message, Exception innerException)
       : base(message, innerException) {...}

If you need to run some code to get the exception, use a static method:

public MyException(SomeData data) : base(GetMessage(data), GetInner(data)) {...}
static Exception GetInner(SomeData data) {...} // <===== your type creation here!
static string GetMessage(SomeData data) {...}

The Exception class has an overloaded constructor accepting the inner exception as a parameter:

Exception exc = new Exception("message", new Exception("inner message"));

Is this what you are looking for?

Why can't you just call the constructor taking the InnerException as a parameter? If for some reason it's not possible, the backing field in System.Exception is:

private Exception _innerException;

I found it out using Redgate's Reflector. Using reflection I suppose you could set the inner exception.

Edit: In most cases it's not a good idea to access private fields via reflection, but I don't know enough about NT's case to know for sure if it's a good or bad idea.

Exception exceptionWithMoreInfo = new Exception("extra info", ex);

would be normal practice assuming you've trapped an exception to which you'd like to add more information before bubbling up.

If I understand your question you want to do something like this:

Exception ex = new Exception("test");
Exception innerEx = new Exception("inner");
ex.GetType().GetField("_innerException", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance).SetValue(ex, innerEx);

If you are in the constructor of an object that inherits from Exception you would use this instead of the first ex.

But this may not be the best way to handle whatever it is you are trying to handle.

Isn't InnerException supposed to be set when using the Exception(string, Exception) constructor? I think it's by design that you can't change this otherwise but you can always defer to the appropriate constructor at construction time:

class MyException : Exception {
    public MyException()
        : base("foo", new Exception("bar"))


I think you shouldn't ever break the exception chain in your code since that usually leads to errors you will never find again.